

      <  rule  > 
          <  from  > ^/article.asp\?id=(.*)$  </  from  > 
          <  to   type  ="redirect"  > /entry/$1.jhtml  </  to  > 
      </  rule  >

    后来看3.0的manual (http://tuckey.org/urlrewrite/manual/3.0/)才发现原来是这个的问题。

<urlrewrite> element

The top level element.

Attribute Possible Value Explanation
regex(default) All rules and thier conditions will be processed using the Java Regular Expression engine (unless match-type is specified on a rule).
wildcard All rules and thier conditions will be processed using the Wildcard Expression engine(unless match-type is specified on a rule).
utf8(default) When URL is decoded UTF-8 will be used.
null Do not decode.
[encoding] Any string representing a supported character encoding eg, ISO-8859-1. See Java Charset Object for more info.
false(default) The query string will not be appended to the url that the "from" element matches against.
true The query string will be appended to the url that the "from" element matches against.
false(default) The context path will not be added to the url that the "from" element matches against.
true The context path will be added to the url that the "from" element matches against.

就是那个use-query-string 的问题,默认的是不使用query-string就是把?后面的都忽略了。所以就不能匹配到了。只要在<urlrewrite>里面加一个属性就可以了。

<  urlrewrite   use-query-string  ="true"  > 
</  urlrewrite  >
