

在Oracle 中是对大小写 敏感的 也就是区分大小写

|| 连接or 或者

and 和、 并且

where 条件

between ..最小值 and 最大值(这个关键字包含等于)

in 字段 in(值1,值2,值3…值n)

or 关键字 例子—-select * from emp where (deptno=10 and job =’MANAGER’) or (deptno=20 and job=’CLERK’);


like |模糊查询(注意使用通配符的问题 ) 可以在任何地方应用





select * from emp where ename like ‘%M%’;

<> 不等号


Ordre by 排序:asc升序(默认的) desc:降序 *放在sql语句的最后



upper() 小写字母变大写 ·select upper(‘smith’) from dual; 必须 加上from

·select * from emp where ename =upper(‘smith’);

lower() 大写字母变小写 ·select lower(‘HELLO WORLD’) from dual;

initcap() 开头字母大写 ·select initcap(‘HELLO WORLD’) from dual;

·select initcap(ename) from emp;

*字符串除了可以使用||来连接。 还可以使用concat();函数来进行连接

·select concat(‘hellow’,'world’) from dual;


·字符串截取:substr(); substr 的截取点是从0或者是1效果都是一样的(Oracle)

Oracle 中 可以输入负值 来倒着截取。

·select ename ,substr(ename,-3,3) from emp;


·内容替换: replace();


select substr(‘hello’,1,3) 截取字符串,

length(‘hello’) 字符串长度,

replace(‘hello’,'l’,'x’) 字符串替换

from dual;



·四舍五入 :round(); 可以指定四舍五入位数select round(789.546,-2) from dual;

负值对整数进行操作。 正值是小数

·截断小数位 :trunc();










当前日期 sysdate关键字 范例: select sysdate from dual;


·to_char(): 转换成字符串




·to_number(): 转换成数字

·to_date(): 转换成日期


·nvl(字段,0) 如果字段里面的值是空 就按照0显示


select empno,ename,(nvl(sal,0)+nvl(comm,0))*12 from emp;


·decode 类似if(){}else{}


1·select decode(1,1,’内容是1′,2,’内容是2′,3,’内容是3′) from dual;

2·select empno 编号, ename 姓名 , HIREDATE 日期,decode





) 职业

from emp;







一般会为表取别名 别名范例: select * from emp e ,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno;




select e.ename 雇员姓名,e.sal 工资,d.dname 部门名称,

decode(s.grade,’1′,’第五等工资’,’2′,’第四等工资’,’3′,’第三等工资’,’4′,’第二等工资’ ,’5′,’第五等工资’) 工资等级,

m.ename 上级领导名字,m.sal 领导的工资,

decode(ms.grade,’1′,’第五等工资’,’2′,’第四等工资’,’3′,’第三等工资’,’4′,’第二等工资’ ,’5′,’第五等工资’)领导的工资等级

from emp e, dept d ,salgrade s ,emp m,salgrade ms

where e.deptno =d.deptno and

e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal

and e.mgr=m.empno

and m.sal between ms.losal and ms.hisal;






例如select e.empno,e.ename,d.deptno,d.dname,d.loc from emp e,dept d where e.deptno(+)=d.deptno;



·cross join : 交叉连接==>产生笛卡尔积

·natural join: 自然连接==>消除笛卡尔积

·using 字句: 直接关联操作列


·select * from emp e join dept d using(deptno) where deptno=30;

on是自己定义条件·select * from emp e join dept d on(e.deptno=d.deptno) where e.deptno=30;



·left join

·right join




·count(): 记录数

·max(): 最大值\


·min(): 最小值/

·avg(): 平均值

·sum(): 总和


group by 分组条件


·select deptno,count(empno) from emp group by deptno;

·select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;




·使用了group by 并指定了分组条件 会将分组条件一起查询出来



select d.dname ,count(e.empno) from dept d ,emp e

where d.deptno=e.deptno

group by d.dname;


select max(avg(sal))

from emp

group by deptno;


*!注意!*:分组函数值能在分组中使用不能在where中使用,要使用 having 关键字


select deptno,avg(sal)

from emp

group by deptno having avg(sal)>2000;










–select * from emp where sal>(select sal from emp where empno=7654)

and job=(select job fromemp where empno=7788);


select d.dname,ed.c,ed.a,e.ename

from dept d ,

(select deptno,count(empno) c, avg(sal)a,min(sal)min

from emp

group by deptno) ed ,emp e


d.deptno=ed.deptno and e.sal =ed.min;



·in :指定一个查询范围

·any :有三种情况 ,大于小于等于





– 能领取奖金的

–select * from emp where COMM is not null;


–select * from emp where COMM is not null and sal>1500;


–select * from emp where COMM is not null or sal>1500;


–select * from emp where not (sal >1500 and COMM is not null);

–select * from emp where sal >=1500 and sal <=3000;

–select * from emp where sal between 1500 and 3000;


–select * from emp where HIREDATE between ’01-1月 -81′ and ’31-12月 -81′;

–select * from emp where ename= ‘SMITH’;

–select * from emp where empno=7369 or empno=7499 or empno =7521;se

–select * from emp where empno in(7369,7499,7521);

–select * from emp where empno not in(7369,7499,7521);

–select * from emp where ename in(‘SMITH’,'ALLEN’,'KING’) and COMM is not null;

–select * from emp where ename like ‘%M%’ ;

–select * from emp where HIREDATE like ‘%81′;

–<>不等号 查询编号不是7369的雇员

–selec t * from emp where empno<>7369;

select * from emp where empno!=7369;


–select * from emp order by SAL ;


–select * from emp order by SAL desc ;

–select * from emp where DEPTNO=10 order by SAL desc ,HIREDATE asc;



–select upper(‘smith’) from dual;

–select * from emp where ename =upper(‘smith’);

–select lower(‘HELLO WORLD’) from dual;

–select initcap(‘HELLO WORLD’) from dual;

–select initcap(ename) from emp;

–select concat(‘hellow’,'world’) from dual;

/*select substr(‘hello’,0,3) 截取字符串,

length(‘hello’) 字符串长度,

replace(‘hello’,'l’,'x’) 字符串替换

from dual;



–select ename ,substr(ename,length(ename)-2) from emp;

–select ename ,substr(ename,-3,3) from emp;

–select round(789.546,-2) from dual;

–select trunc(789.536,2) from dual;

–select mod(10,3) 十除三的模 from dual;

–求当前日期 使用sysdate

–select sysdate from dual;

–select empno,ename,round((sysdate-HIREDATE)/7) 星期数 from emp;

–select empno,ename,round(months_between(sysdate,HIREDATE)) from emp;

–select add_months(sysdate ,4) from emp;

–select next_day(sysdate,’星期二’) from dual;

–select last_day(sysdate) from dual;


select empno,ename,to_char(HIREDATE,’yyyy’) year ,

to_char(HIREDATE,’mm’) month,

to_char(HIREDATE,’dd’) day

from emp;


–select empno, ename,to_char(HIREDATE,’fmyyyy-mm-dd’)日期 from emp;

–select empno ,ename,to_char(sal,’l99,999′) from emp;

–select to_number(’123′)+to_number(’123′) from dual ;

–select to_char(to_date(’2010-3-21′,’yyyy-mm-dd’),’fmyyyy-mm-dd’)from dual;

–select empno,ename,(nvl(sal,0)+nvl(comm,0))*12 from emp;

–select decode(1,1,’内容是1′,2,’内容是2′,3,’内容是3′) from dual;


select empno 编号, ename 姓名 , HIREDATE 日期,decode

(job,’CLERK’,'业务员’,'SALESMAN’,'销售经理’,'MANAGER’,'经理’,'ANALYST’,'分析员’,'PRESIDENT’,'总裁’) 职业

from emp;




–select * from emp e ,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno;


select e.ename 雇员姓名,e.sal 工资,d.dname 部门名称,

decode(s.grade,’1′,’第五等工资’,’2′,’第四等工资’,’3′,’第三等工资’,’4′,’第二等工资’ ,’5′,’第五等工资’) 工资等级,

m.ename 上级领导名字,m.sal 领导的工资,

decode(ms.grade,’1′,’第五等工资’,’2′,’第四等工资’,’3′,’第三等工资’,’4′,’第二等工资’ ,’5′,’第五等工资’)领导的工资等级

from emp e, dept d ,salgrade s ,emp m,salgrade ms

where e.deptno =d.deptno and

e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal

and e.mgr=m.empno

and m.sal between ms.losal and ms.hisal;


–select e.empno,e.ename,d.deptno,d.dname,d.loc from emp e,dept d where e.deptno(+)=d.deptno;

–select e.empno,e.ename,m.empno,m.ename from emp e,emp m where e.mgr=m.empno(+);

–select * from emp natural join dept;

–select * from emp e join dept d using(deptno) ;

–select * from emp e join dept d on(e.deptno=d.deptno) where e.deptno=30;

–select e.ename,d.deptno,d.loc from emp e right outer join dept d on (e.deptno=d.deptno);


–select deptno,count(empno) from emp group by deptno;

–select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;

–select d.dname ,count(e.empno) from dept d ,emp e where d.deptno=e.deptno group by d.dname;

–select ename, deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;


select deptno,avg(sal)

from emp

group by deptno having avg(sal)>2000;



select job,sum(sal) su

from emp

where job<>‘SALESMAN’

group by job having sum(sal)>5000

order by su;


select max(avg(sal))

from emp

group by deptno;

–select * from emp where sal>(select sal s from emp where empno=7654);

–select * from emp where sal>(select sal from emp where empno=7654) and job=(select job from emp where empno=7788);

–select ename,job,sal from emp where sal = (select min(sal) from emp);


select d.dname,ed.c,ed.a,e.ename

from dept d ,

(select deptno,count(empno) c, avg(sal)a,min(sal)min

from emp

group by deptno) ed ,emp e


d.deptno=ed.deptno and e.sal =ed.min;


–select * from emp where sal in (select min(sal) from emp group by deptno);
