HP Opsware installation

this file was forwarded from this addess



#disable selinux

vi /etc/selinux/conf
set SELINUX=disabled

已经被 HP 收购的 Opsware 安装文件。


使用本文档可实现基于RHEL3 AS的Opsware(单节点)的安装。
1.2 软件版本
软 件 版 本
Red Hat Linux Enterprise 3 AS 32 bit x86 Updata8
Opsware Primary 34.0.6037.0
Opsware Upload 34.0.6037.0
1.3 安装介质
opsware_34.0.6037.0- primary.iso,opsware_34.0.6037.0-upload.iso
/export 存放安装介质
$mkdir /export/primary
$mkdir /export/upload
$mount –o loop /export/opsware_34.0.6037.0-primary.iso /export/primary
$mount –o loop /export/opsware_34.0.6037.0-upload.iso /export/upload
每次重启的时 候,需要手动 mount 两个ISO 文件
或者编辑 /etc/fstab 添加
/export/opsware_34.0.6037.0-primary.iso /export/primary iso9660 loop 0 0
/export/opsware_34.0.6037.0-upload.iso /export/upload iso9660 loop 0 0

2 安装Opsware前准备工作
2.1 安装所需的包
at libstdc++-devel glibc-headers tcl
compat-db glibc-kernheaders glibc-devel xinetd
compat-libstdc++ nfs-utils iptables XFree86-libs
coreutils ntp kernel-source XFree86-libs-data
cpp patch libcap XFree86-Mesa-libGL
expat patchutils libxml2-python unzip
gcc sharutils libstdc++ zip
strace ncompress (contains uncompress utility)

查询命令 安装命令
rpm –qa | grep xxx rpm –ivh xxx

以上的包如果没有默认安装,在AS3 的安装盘中都能找到。

2.2 卸载以下的包
samba apache rsync httpd tftp dhcp

查询命令 卸载命令
rpm –qa | grep xxx rpm -e --nodeps xxx

2.3 系统环境检查
2.3.1 运行级别
修改 /etc/inittab ,将第一项运行级别改为3,默认应为5,保存并退出。
2.3.2 系统时间设置
Copy or link /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC to /etc/localtime
Make sure that /etc/sysconfig/clock contains the following lines:
2.3.3 安装OPSWCoalTk包
$rpm –ivh /export/opswcoaltk-40-40-l.i386.rpm
$cd /opt/OPSWCoalTk/opsware_32.f
$cp opsware_32.f.conf /var/tmp/coal.conf
$vi /var/tmp/coal.conf
如 下,修改 NAME,XXXX.com,IP地址及IP网关,IP1-IP2的范围
Sequence: sas:32.f
Server Configuration
Hostname: NAME
Domain: XXXX.com
NetDevice: eth0
Gateway: IP网关
DhcpPool: IP1-IP2
NtpServer: us.pool.ntp.org
Opsware Configuration
Major Version: opsware_32.f
Minor Version: 2198.0
Media Type: DVD
Media Location: /export/primary
SasCore Content: /export/upload
DetRpm: /export/det-32_f_748-20-20-1.i386.rpm

## SE's, please ignore the Treadmill Configuration section
Treadmill Configuration
OCLI: /export/ocli.tar
TreadmillRpm: /export/treadmill-
LDAPRpm: /export/openldap-clients-2.0.27-17.i386.rpm
OpswareTest Package: /export/OpswareTest-25d.tar

然后运行四遍 $/opt/OPSWCoalTk/tools/InstallAll /var/tmp/coal.conf
在 /var/tmp 下会有以下四个文件

2.3.4 修改 hosts 文件
修改 /etc/hosts 文件,如下
################################################## localhost NAME.XXXX.com truth.hysec.com truth
## Begin Opsware Slice Hostnames spin.hysec.com spin twist.hysec.com twist buildmgr.hysec.com buildmgr occ.hysec.com occ
## End Opsware Slice Hostnames
## Begin Opsware Word Way Hostnames theword theword.hysec.com wordcache wordcache.hysec.com way way.hysec.com mmopsw mmopsw.hysec.com mmspin mmspin.hysec.com
## End Opsware Word Way Hostnames
# nas core ##

注 意:NAME,XXXX.com 须与 /var/tmp/coal.conf 的 NAME,XXXX.com 一致

3 Opsware安装
3.1 主程序安装
进 入交互界面:
Welcome to the Opsware Installer. Please select one of the following installation options:
1 - Multimaster Opsware Core - First Core
2 - Multimaster Installation: Define New Facility; Export Model Repository
3 - Multimaster Opsware Core - Subsequent Core
Please enter a choice from the menu, 'h' for help, 'q' to quit:

Please select the component layout mode. In a "typical" install, components are already bundled together in a pre-defined configuration. "Custom" install allows you to install components "a la carte."
1 - Typical Component Layout Mode
2 - Custom Component Layout Mode
Please select the interview mode from the menu, type 'h' for help, 'q' to quit:
选 择1

Please select the interview mode. Simple mode uses default values for many of the configuration parameters. Advanced mode allows you to fully configure the installation.
1 - Simple Interview Mode
2 - Advanced Interview Mode
Please select the interview mode from the menu, type 'h' for help, 'q' to quit:

Please select your database configuration option:
1 - Install Oracle with Opsware
2 - Use Existing Oracle Database
Please enter a choice from the menu, press 'h' for help, 'q' to quit:

Parameter 1 of 23 (truth.oaPwd)Please enter the password for the opsware_admin user. This is the password used to connect to the Oracle database.: opsware
Parameter 2 of 23 (decrypt_passwd)Please enter the password for the cryptographic material: opsware
Parameter 6 of 23 (truth.dcSubDom)Please enter the subdomain for this facility (lowercase, no spaces): XXXX.com
Parameter 9 of 23 (windows_util_loc)Please enter the directory that contains the Microsoft's utilities (Press Control-I for list of required files) [/tmp]: /opt/OPSWCoalTk/wintools
Parameter 12 of 23 (mgw_address)Please enter the IP address of the Management Gateway.: 本机IP
Parameter 21 of 23 (bootagent.host)Please enter the OS Provisioning Boot Server ip or hostname: 本机IP
Parameter 22 of 23 (twist.nasdata.host)Please enter the hostname or IP address of the NAS server (Enter "none" if NAS is not installed) [none]: (如果没有NAS则为none)

All parameters have values. Do you wish to finish the interview? (y/n): y
Concluding interview.
Interview complete.
Name of response file to write [/usr/tmp/oiresponse.slices_master_typical]:
注意:这个配置文件为此次Opsware安装的配 置文件,卸载时需要,保存好!

Response file written to /usr/tmp/oiresponse.slices_master_typical.
Welcome to the Opsware Installer.
Please select the components to install.
1 (*) Oracle RDBMS for SAS
2 (*) Model Repository, First Core
3 (*) Core Infrastructure Components
4 (*) Slice
5 (*) OS Provisioning Components
Enter a component number to toggle ('a' for all, 'n' for none).
When ready, press 'c' to continue, or 'q' to quit.

Selection: a 选择全部模块之后
Selection: c 继续安装

>>>>Installing preliminary components
....Database with cryptographic material not found.
Would you like Opsware Installer to generate new database of cryptographic material? [y/n] y
Invoking OCT, this may take a while...

>>>>Installing component Oracle RDBMS for SAS
>>>>Installing component Model Repository, First Core
>>>>Installing component Core Infrastructure Components
>>>>Installing component Slice
>>>>Installing component OS Provisioning Components
Opsware Installer ran successfully.

For more details, please see the following file:
WARNING: to make sure that no sensitive information is left
on this server, please remove,encrypt or copy to a secure location
the following files and directories:
-- /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/resp/*
-- /var/log/opsware/install_opsware/*
-- /var/tmp/*.sh
Also, please encrypt or store in a secure location the response file
that you used to install this core.

3.2 扩展程序安装
$/export/upload/opsware_installer/install_opsware.sh -r /usr/tmp/oiresponse.slices_master_typical

与主程序安装相似,但使用主程序的安装配 置文件,将扩展文件安装在主程序下,更新、扩展主程的各项文件。

Welcome to the Opsware Installer.
Please select the components to install.
1 (*) Software Repository - Content (install once per mesh)
2 (*) Add OS Provisioning Stage2 Images to Software Repository
Enter a component number to toggle ('a' for all, 'n' for none).
Selection: a 选择全部之后
Selection: c 继续安装
>>>>Installing preliminary components
>>>>Installing component Software Repository - Content (install once per mesh)
>>>>Installing component Add OS Provisioning Stage2 Images to Software Repository

安 装过程时间较长,监控 tail –f /var/log/opsware/install_opsware/install…_verbose.log

4 Opsware的维护
4.1.1 重启服务器
直接reboot 就可以,但是启动后
$cd /etc/init.d/
$./opsware-sas status

[root@sascore init.d]# ./opsware-sas status
-------------- verify_ports --------------
(No status to report)
-------------- opswgw-mgw --------------
Verify address is listening on port 3003: SUCCESS
-------------- opswgw-cgws --------------
Verify address is listening on port 8085: SUCCESS
-------------- rvrdscript --------------
Verify "rvrd" is running: SUCCESS
-------------- vaultdaemon --------------
Verify "vaultdaemon" running: SUCCESS
-------------- dhcpd --------------
(No status to report)
-------------- spin --------------
Verify hostname "spin" is listening on port 1004: SUCCESS
Verify communication with "spin": SUCCESS
-------------- mm_wordbot --------------
Verify local word is listening on port 1003: SUCCESS
Verify local word is listening on port 1006: SUCCESS
-------------- waybot --------------
Verify hostname "way" is listening on port 1018: SUCCESS
-------------- smb --------------
Verify "smb" is running: SUCCESS
-------------- twist --------------
Verify local "twist" is listening on port 1026: SUCCESS
-------------- buildmgr --------------
Verify "Buildmgr (Jetty)" running: SUCCESS
Verify "localhost" is listening on TCP port 1017: SUCCESS
Verify "localhost" is listening on TCP port 1012: SUCCESS
Verify "localhost" is listening on UDP port 1017: SUCCESS
-------------- opswgw-agws --------------
Verify address is listening on port 3001: SUCCESS
-------------- hub --------------
Verify "Hub" running: SUCCESS
-------------- sshd --------------
Verify "sshd" is running: SUCCESS
-------------- opeproxy --------------
Verify local "opeproxy" is listening on port 1027: SUCCESS
Verify local "opeproxy" is listening on port 1028: SUCCESS
Verify local "opeproxy" is listening on port 1029: SUCCESS
-------------- spoke --------------
Verify local "spoke" is listening on port 8020: SUCCESS
-------------- agentcache --------------
Verify "agentcache" running: SUCCESS
-------------- occ.server --------------
Verify "occ.server" is running: SUCCESS
-------------- httpsProxy --------------
Verify "httpsProxy" is running: SUCCESS
Verify local "httpsProxy" is listening on port 80: SUCCESS
-------------- opsware-agent --------------
Verify "opsware-agent" running: SUCCESS
Successfully performed "status" operation on Opsware SAS components.

4.1.2 卸载主程序
用root用户登 录,进入“/”目录
$/export/primary/opsware_installer/uninstall_opsware.sh –r /usr/tmp/oiresponse.slices_master_typical
卸载时加载的 oiresponse.slices_master_typical 文件必须是安装时的配置文件,而且/etc/hosts文件也必须于安装时一致,务必做好备份。
Welcome to the Opsware Installer.
Please select the components to uninstall.
1 ( ) Add OS Provisioning Stage2 Images to Software Repository
2 ( ) Software Repository - Content (install once per mesh)
3 ( ) OS Provisioning Components
4 ( ) Slice
5 ( ) Core Infrastructure Components
6 ( ) Model Repository, First Core
7 ( ) Oracle RDBMS for SAS
Enter a component number to toggle ('a' for all, 'n' for none).
When ready, press 'c' to continue, or 'q' to quit.
Selection: a 选择全部
Selection: c 继续卸载

Parameter 1 of 4 (truth.uninstall.needdata) is missing or invalid - 是否保留数据
Do you need to preserve any of the data in this database? (y/n): n
Parameter 2 of 4 (truth.uninstall.aresure) is missing or invalid -
Are you sure you want to remove all data and schema from this database? (y/n): y 是否删除计划任务和数据
Parameter 3 of 4 (oracle.uninstall.aresure) is missing or invalid –
Are you sure you want to uninstall Oracle RDBMS?
Answer 'y' _only_ if you are taking down the entire core! (y/n): y 是否确定删除数据库模块
Parameter 4 of 4 (save_crypto) is missing or invalid -
Would you like to preserve the database of cryptographic material? (y/n): n 是否保留加密数据
All parameters have values. Do you wish to finish the interview? (y/n): y
Concluding interview.
Name of response file to write [/usr/tmp/oiresponse.slices_master_typical]:
注意:卸载过程日志,最好单独 存放一个文件,不要覆盖安装配置文件

>>>>Uninstalling component Core Infrastructure Components.
>>>>Uninstalling component Multimaster Infrastructure Components.
>>>>Uninstalling component Data Access Engine (spin), Multimaster Component.
>>>>Uninstalling component Data Access Engine (spin).
>>>>Uninstalling component Model Repository, First Core.
>>>>Uninstalling component Model Repository (truth)..
For more details, please see the following file:

WARNING: to make sure that no sensitive information is left
on this server, please remove,encrypt or copy to a secure location
the following files and directories:
-- /var/opt/opsware/install_opsware/resp/*
-- /var/log/opsware/install_opsware/*
-- /var/tmp/*.sh
Also, please encrypt or store in a secure location the response file
that you used to install this core.

附录A Opsware 安装的Linux 环境
RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 AS Update8 ,4CD

CPU:4 CPU 或 4核

分 区:
/boot 80M
/export 15G
/ 剩余空间 (重装时将 / 格式化)

Opsware 安装介质:
/export 存放安装介质,primary.iso ,upload.iso
$mkdir /export/primary
$mkdir /export/upload
$mount –o loop /export/opsware_34.0.6037.0-primary.iso /export/primary
$mount –o loop /export/opsware_34.0.6037.0-upload.iso /export/upload
