/** * Returns a new transformed Point of the input Point based on the * transformation values set. */ public Point getTransformed(Point p) { double x = p.x; double y = p.y; double temp; x *= scaleX; y *= scaleY; temp = x * cos - y * sin; y = x * sin + y * cos; x = temp; return new Point(Math.round(x + dx), Math.round(y + dy)); }
a = cosα
b = sinα
x = cos(α + β) = cosα*cosβ - sinα*sinβ
y = sin(α + β) = sinα*cosβ + cosα*sinβ
x = acosβ - bsinβ
y = bcosβ + asinβ
/** * Gets a Rectangle from {@link #getBox()} and returns the Point where a * line from the center of the Rectangle to the Point <i>reference</i> * intersects the Rectangle. */ public Point getLocation(Point reference) { Rectangle r = Rectangle.SINGLETON; r.setBounds(getBox()); r.translate(-1, -1); r.resize(1, 1); getOwner().translateToAbsolute(r); float centerX = r.x + 0.5f * r.width; float centerY = r.y + 0.5f * r.height; if (r.isEmpty() || (reference.x == (int) centerX && reference.y == (int) centerY)) return new Point((int) centerX, (int) centerY); // This avoids divide-by-zero float dx = reference.x - centerX; float dy = reference.y - centerY; // r.width, r.height, dx, and dy are guaranteed to be non-zero. float scale = 0.5f / Math.max(Math.abs(dx) / r.width, Math.abs(dy) / r.height); dx *= scale; dy *= scale; centerX += dx; centerY += dy; return new Point(Math.round(centerX), Math.round(centerY)); }
1> 判断象限(dx,dy的符号可以确定)
2> 与那条边相交:
float scale = 0.5f / Math.max(Math.abs(dx) / r.width, Math.abs(dy) / r.height);
(2) 椭圆外一点P以及椭圆中心O,求PO的连线与椭圆的交点:
/** * Returns a point on the ellipse (defined by the owner's bounding box) * where the connection should be anchored. */ public Point getLocation(Point reference) { Rectangle r = Rectangle.SINGLETON; r.setBounds(getOwner().getBounds()); r.translate(-1, -1); r.resize(1, 1); getOwner().translateToAbsolute(r); // 相当于 // ref.x = reference.x - r.getCenter().x; // ref.y = reference.y - r.getCenter().y; Point ref = r.getCenter().negate().translate(reference); if (ref.x == 0) return new Point(reference.x, (ref.y > 0) ? r.bottom() : r.y); if (ref.y == 0) return new Point((ref.x > 0) ? r.right() : r.x, reference.y); float dx = (ref.x > 0) ? 0.5f : -0.5f; float dy = (ref.y > 0) ? 0.5f : -0.5f; // ref.x, ref.y, r.width, r.height != 0 => safe to proceed float k = (float) (ref.y * r.width) / (ref.x * r.height); k = k * k; return r.getCenter().translate((int) (r.width * dx / Math.sqrt(1 + k)), (int) (r.height * dy / Math.sqrt(1 + 1 / k))); }