


Here is the information to add a column to configuration files DCA:

1. For the normal search page, you will have to modify <windchill_home>/conf/dca/com/ptc/core/foundation/fc/Persistable.xml:

1.1 add you new column to the definition of “elementGroup.compositeColumns.object.columns”:

<!-- SIMPLE SEARCH - results definition -->
<Context type="%[:PERSISTABLE]" tablePrefId="compositeTable.default" tableUsageId="compositeTable.searchResults">
<ElementGroup id="elementGroup.compositeColumns.object.columns">
<Insert ref="elementGroup.compositeColumn.thumbnail" />

<Insert ref=":elementGroup.compositeColumn.organization" />
<Insert ref="patterns:compositeColumn.template" context.property="property.yourProperty">
<Label resource="Your label" />

1.2 and to the “elementGroup.compositeColumns.object.columns.order” definition (used to define the order in which the columns will be displayed):

<ElementGroup id="elementGroup.compositeColumns.object.columns.order" >
<Option theme="order" param="labelArea.tablePattern.icon" /> <!--0-->
<Option theme="order" param="hyperlink.object.name.info" /> <!--1-->

<Option theme="order" param="property.thePersistInfo.createStamp" /> <!--11-->
<Option theme="order" param="property.yourProperty" /> <!--12-->

1.3. finally, create a new paragraph to define your “property.yourProperty” id (for instance, if this is a string attribute):

<Context type="wt.fc.Persistable">
<Property id="property.yourProperty" sticky="%[context#sticky]">
<Extend ref=":property.string" />
<Need attribute="yourAttribute" />
<Label resource="Your Label" />

2. For the Advanced Search page, you will need to perform the modification for each kind of object. I will give you an example for a subtype of WTPart, which has a soft attribute "md_attr0190". you will then have to modify <windchill_home>\conf\dca\com\ptc\windchill\enterprise\part\WTPart.xml:

2.1. Add your column to the definition of “elementGroup.compositeColumns.object.columns”: 

<Context type="%[WTPart]" tablePrefId="compositeTable.default" tableUsageId="compositeTable.searchResults">      
        <ElementGroup id="elementGroup.compositeColumns.object.columns">
            <Insert ref=":elementGroup.compositeColumns.object.columns.cumulative|%[WTPart]" />
            <Insert ref=":elementGroup.oemPreference.PropertyRef" context.UIComponent="table"
            <Insert ref=":elementGroup.compositeColumn.seeActions" />
            <!--Added -->
            <CompositeColumn show=":property.yourProperty">
            <Label resource="Your label"/>

2.2. If the element “property.yourProperty” dosen’t already exist in the configuration files, you will need to define it: 

<Context type="%[WTPart]">
 <Property id="property.yourProperty">
     <Extend ref="core:property.string" />
     <Need attribute="yourAttribute" />
     <label resource="Your Label" />

3. The value in the Need Attribute tag is the logical Identify defined in the attribute manager for the IBAs (I change "yourAttribute" to "md_attr0190").

The columns are added reflected in the preferences of the table.

For the IBAs defined WTPart or sub types can be displayed in the natural search (which runs on Persistable), we must add entries in the file <Windchill\home> \codebase\com\ ptc\windchill\enterprise\search\server\SearchableAttributes.properties, such as:

Finally, you must restart Tomcat and the method servers.
