public class UIRoot : MonoBehaviour { static public List<UIRoot> list = new List<UIRoot>(); public enum Scaling { PixelPerfect, // 像素不变,大小变 FixedSize, // 大小不变,像素变 FixedSizeOnMobiles, } public Scaling scalingStyle = Scaling.PixelPerfect; public int manualHeight = 720; public int minimumHeight = 320; public int maximumHeight = 1536; public bool adjustByDPI = false; public bool shrinkPortraitUI = false; public int activeHeight { get { if (scalingStyle == Scaling.FixedSize) return manualHeight; #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_BLACKBERRY if (scalingStyle == Scaling.FixedSizeOnMobiles) return manualHeight; #endif Vector2 screen = NGUITools.screenSize; float aspect = screen.x / screen.y; if (screen.y < minimumHeight) { screen.y = minimumHeight; screen.x = screen.y * aspect; } else if (screen.y > maximumHeight) { screen.y = maximumHeight; screen.x = screen.y * aspect; } // Portrait mode uses the maximum of width or height to shrink the UI int height = Mathf.RoundToInt((shrinkPortraitUI && screen.y > screen.x) ? screen.y / aspect : screen.y); // Adjust the final value by the DPI setting return adjustByDPI ? NGUIMath.AdjustByDPI(height) : height; } } static public void Broadcast (string funcName) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Application.isPlaying) #endif { for (int i = 0, imax = list.Count; i < imax; ++i) { UIRoot root = list[i]; if (root != null) root.BroadcastMessage(funcName, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } } }
2.这个组件是UI的根节点,它主要是通过缩放自己的方式来控制整个UI的大小,两种方式:PixelPerfect 和 FixedSize。
3.如果adjustByDPI = true,则高度为屏幕当前高度。反之,为manualHeight。 这是一篇关于自适应屏幕大小的文章,我个人觉得没必要搞的这么复杂。一般使用FixedSize即可。
activeHeight:1.类型为FixedSize时,它的值为manualHeight。2.adjustByDPI = true时,它为当前屏幕的高度。3.否则,activeHeight = 屏幕高度 的值会夹在一个范围内[minimum,maximum],如果超出这个范围,屏幕的宽度会等比缩放。
public class UIOrthoCamera : MonoBehaviour { Camera mCam; Transform mTrans; void Start () { mCam = camera; mTrans = transform; mCam.orthographic = true; } void Update () { float y0 = mCam.rect.yMin * Screen.height; float y1 = mCam.rect.yMax * Screen.height; float size = (y1 - y0) * 0.5f * mTrans.lossyScale.y; if (!Mathf.Approximately(mCam.orthographicSize, size)) mCam.orthographicSize = size; } }
很多文章都只是说用了这玩意就不能用UIRoot,可以简单的理解为它是PixelPerfect 适应方案,并且采用的是屏幕的高度,而不是人为设置的高度。
Event Type:四种类型,决定相机以什么样的方式碰撞检测,也可以理解为相机只检测什么样的控件。
public enum EventType : int { World_3D, // Perform a Physics.Raycast and sort by distance to the point that was hit. UI_3D, // Perform a Physics.Raycast and sort by widget depth. World_2D, // Perform a Physics2D.OverlapPoint UI_2D, // Physics2D.OverlapPoint then sort by widget depth }
Event Mask:决定触发什么类型的事件,可以是所有类型。
allow multi touch:勾选,就表示支持多点触控。
sticky tooltip:是否使用tooltip,在NGUI里面有个UITooltip专门用来处理tip这个需求的。
tooltip Delay:这个地方设置tip停留的时间 这篇文章详细介绍NGUI里面制作tip相关的东西。