Apache MINA 是一个网络应用框架,有助于用户非常方便地开发高性能、高伸缩性的网络应用。它通过Java NIO提供了一个抽象的、事件驱动的、异步的位于各种传输协议(如TCP/IP和UDP/IP)之上的API,Apache MINA 通常可被称之为:
NIO 框架库;
Apache MINA 是一个网络应用程序框架,它对Java中的socket和NIO进行了有效和清晰的封装,方便开发人员开发TCP/UDP程序,从而抛开在使用原始的socket时需要考虑的各种繁杂而又烦人问题(线程、性能、会话等),把更多精力专著在应用中的业务逻辑的开发上
public interface IoHandler { //创建session public abstract void sessionCreated(IoSession iosession) throws Exception; //开启session public abstract void sessionOpened(IoSession iosession) throws Exception; //关闭session public abstract void sessionClosed(IoSession iosession) throws Exception; //session空闲 public abstract void sessionIdle(IoSession iosession, IdleStatus idlestatus) throws Exception; //异常处理 public abstract void exceptionCaught(IoSession iosession, Throwable throwable) throws Exception; //接收消息 public abstract void messageReceived(IoSession iosession, Object obj) throws Exception; //发送消息 public abstract void messageSent(IoSession iosession, Object obj) throws Exception; }
public abstract class ConnectionHandler extends IoHandlerAdapter
@Override public void messageReceived(IoSession session, Object message) throws Exception { // Get the stanza handler for this session //得到当前会话的StanzaHandler,这个对象在sessionOpened事件对应的方法中已经创建了,可以参考sessionOpened()的实现 StanzaHandler handler = (StanzaHandler) session.getAttribute(HANDLER); // Get the parser to use to process stanza. For optimization there is going // to be a parser for each running thread. Each Filter will be executed // by the Executor placed as the first Filter. So we can have a parser associated // to each Thread int hashCode = Thread.currentThread().hashCode(); XMPPPacketReader parser = parsers.get(hashCode); if (parser == null) { parser = new XMPPPacketReader(); parser.setXPPFactory(factory); parsers.put(hashCode, parser); } // Update counter of read btyes updateReadBytesCounter(session); //System.out.println("RCVD: " + message); // Let the stanza handler process the received stanza try { //处理接收的message,parser为XMPPPacketReader对象,用来解析XML字符串,因为openfire信息之间的传递全部都是XML格式的字符串(XMPP协议) //下面方法的实现参考StanzaHandler.process(String stanza, XMPPPacketReader reader)方法 handler.process((String) message, parser); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Closing connection due to error while processing message: " + message, e); Connection connection = (Connection) session.getAttribute(CONNECTION); connection.close(); } } @Override public void sessionOpened(IoSession session) throws Exception { // Create a new XML parser for the new connection. The parser will be used by the XMPPDecoder filter. final XMLLightweightParser parser = new XMLLightweightParser(CHARSET); session.setAttribute(XML_PARSER, parser); // Create a new NIOConnection for the new session final NIOConnection connection = createNIOConnection(session); session.setAttribute(CONNECTION, connection); //createStanzaHandler方法是当前类的一个抽象类,具体实现需要查看ConnectionHandler的子类是如何实现的, session.setAttribute(HANDLER, createStanzaHandler(connection)); // Set the max time a connection can be idle before closing it. This amount of seconds // is divided in two, as Openfire will ping idle clients first (at 50% of the max idle time) // before disconnecting them (at 100% of the max idle time). This prevents Openfire from // removing connections without warning. final int idleTime = getMaxIdleTime() / 2; if (idleTime > 0) { session.setIdleTime(IdleStatus.READER_IDLE, idleTime); } }
public class ClientConnectionHandler extends ConnectionHandler public ClientStanzaHandler(PacketRouter router, String serverName, Connection connection) { super(router, serverName, connection); } @Override StanzaHandler createStanzaHandler(NIOConnection connection) { return new ClientStanzaHandler(XMPPServer.getInstance().getPacketRouter(), serverName, connection); }
StanzaHandler类:A StanzaHandler is the main responsible for handling incoming stanzas.
public void process(String stanza, XMPPPacketReader reader) throws Exception { boolean initialStream = stanza.startsWith("<stream:stream") || stanza.startsWith("<flash:stream"); if (!sessionCreated || initialStream) { if (!initialStream) { // Allow requests for flash socket policy files directly on the client listener port if (stanza.startsWith("<policy-file-request/>")) { String crossDomainText = FlashCrossDomainServlet.CROSS_DOMAIN_TEXT + XMPPServer.getInstance().getConnectionManager().getClientListenerPort() + FlashCrossDomainServlet.CROSS_DOMAIN_END_TEXT + '\0'; connection.deliverRawText(crossDomainText); return; } else { // Ignore <?xml version="1.0"?> return; } } // Found an stream:stream tag... if (!sessionCreated) { sessionCreated = true; MXParser parser = reader.getXPPParser(); parser.setInput(new StringReader(stanza)); createSession(parser); } else if (startedTLS) { startedTLS = false; tlsNegotiated(); } else if (startedSASL && saslStatus == SASLAuthentication.Status.authenticated) { startedSASL = false; saslSuccessful(); } else if (waitingCompressionACK) { waitingCompressionACK = false; compressionSuccessful(); } return; } // Verify if end of stream was requested if (stanza.equals("</stream:stream>")) { session.close(); return; } // Ignore <?xml version="1.0"?> stanzas sent by clients if (stanza.startsWith("<?xml")) { return; } // Create DOM object from received stanza Element doc = StringReader(stanza)).getRootElement(); if (doc == null) { // No document found. return; } String tag = doc.getName(); if ("starttls".equals(tag)) { // Negotiate TLS if (negotiateTLS()) { startedTLS = true; } else { connection.close(); session = null; } } else if ("auth".equals(tag)) { // User is trying to authenticate using SASL startedSASL = true; // Process authentication stanza saslStatus = SASLAuthentication.handle(session, doc); } else if (startedSASL && "response".equals(tag)) { // User is responding to SASL challenge. Process response saslStatus = SASLAuthentication.handle(session, doc); } else if ("compress".equals(tag)) { // Client is trying to initiate compression if (compressClient(doc)) { // Compression was successful so open a new stream and offer // resource binding and session establishment (to client sessions only) waitingCompressionACK = true; } } else { //最终处理消息,doc就是发送过来的XML字符串转化为Element对象 process(doc); } } private void process(Element doc) throws UnauthorizedException { if (doc == null) { return; } // Ensure that connection was secured if TLS was required if (connection.getTlsPolicy() == Connection.TLSPolicy.required && !connection.isSecure()) { closeNeverSecuredConnection(); return; } String tag = doc.getName(); //消息类型是<message>打头的,表示消息是message类型,这个就是对XMPP协议的解释 if ("message".equals(tag)) { Message packet; try { packet = new Message(doc, !validateJIDs()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.debug("Rejecting packet. JID malformed", e); // The original packet contains a malformed JID so answer with an error. Message reply = new Message(); reply.setID(doc.attributeValue("id")); reply.setTo(session.getAddress()); reply.getElement().addAttribute("from", doc.attributeValue("to")); reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.jid_malformed); session.process(reply); return; } processMessage(packet); } //消息类型是<presence>打头的,表示消息请求用户的状态 else if ("presence".equals(tag)) { Presence packet; try { packet = new Presence(doc, !validateJIDs()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.debug("Rejecting packet. JID malformed", e); // The original packet contains a malformed JID so answer an error Presence reply = new Presence(); reply.setID(doc.attributeValue("id")); reply.setTo(session.getAddress()); reply.getElement().addAttribute("from", doc.attributeValue("to")); reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.jid_malformed); session.process(reply); return; } // Check that the presence type is valid. If not then assume available type try { packet.getType(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.warn("Invalid presence type", e); // The presence packet contains an invalid presence type so replace it with // an available presence type packet.setType(null); } // Check that the presence show is valid. If not then assume available show value try { packet.getShow(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.warn("Invalid presence show for -" + packet.toXML(), e); // The presence packet contains an invalid presence show so replace it with // an available presence show packet.setShow(null); } if (session.getStatus() == Session.STATUS_CLOSED && packet.isAvailable()) { // Ignore available presence packets sent from a closed session. A closed // session may have buffered data pending to be processes so we want to ignore // just Presences of type available Log.warn("Ignoring available presence packet of closed session: " + packet); return; } processPresence(packet); } //消息类型是<iq>打头的,表示客户端对server端的一个请求 else if ("iq".equals(tag)) { IQ packet; try { packet = getIQ(doc); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.debug("Rejecting packet. JID malformed", e); // The original packet contains a malformed JID so answer an error IQ reply = new IQ(); if (!doc.elements().isEmpty()) { reply.setChildElement(((Element)doc.elements().get(0)).createCopy()); } reply.setID(doc.attributeValue("id")); reply.setTo(session.getAddress()); if (doc.attributeValue("to") != null) { reply.getElement().addAttribute("from", doc.attributeValue("to")); } reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.jid_malformed); session.process(reply); return; } if (packet.getID() == null && JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty("xmpp.server.validation.enabled", false)) { // IQ packets MUST have an 'id' attribute so close the connection StreamError error = new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.invalid_xml); session.deliverRawText(error.toXML()); session.close(); return; } processIQ(packet); } //如果消息类型不是IQ\Presence\Message三种类型,则执行processUnknowPacket()方法。 else { //abstract boolean processUnknowPacket(Element doc) throws UnauthorizedException; //该方法是一个抽象类,具体的实现是要看继承ConnectionHandler类的具体类,它会重写createStanzaHandler方法。 //在ClientConnectionHandler类中实现该方法对象是ClientStanzaHandler类 if (!processUnknowPacket(doc)) { Log.warn(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error.packet.tag") + doc.asXML()); session.close(); } } }