Lost Cities:Machu Picchu、Palenque and Troy

Lost Cities:Machu Picchu、Palenque and Troy

Although the archaeological discovery of Machu Picchu came nearly a hundred years ago, historians are still unsure of the function of this ancient Inca citadel.

The Inca had no system of writing and left no written records, and archaeologists have been left to piece together bits of evidence as to why Machu Picchu was built, what purpose it served, and why it was so quickly vacated.

viMory: Inca citadel   印加人城堡      vacate   空出

Lost Cities:Machu Picchu、Palenque and Troy

The earliest Maya began to settle the dense rain forests of southwestern Mexico and Guatemala some 3,000 years ago. For nearly 1,400 years, settlements arose throughout the region, with some, like Tikal and Palenque (shown here), expanding into large, vibrant city-states.

viMory: vibrant  动荡的      tikal  蒂卡乐   palenque帕伦克  两个地名

Lost Cities:Machu Picchu、Palenque and Troy

Myth, folklore, mystery, and intrigue surround the ancient city of Troy like no other ruin on Earth. Once thought to be purely imaginary, a prop in Homer's epic poem The Iliad, excavations in northwestern Turkey in 1871 eventually proved that the city indeed existed.

In 1871, German adventurer Heinrich Schliemann began digging at Hisarlik, Turkey, (shown here) in search of the fabled city. His roughshod excavation wrought havoc on the site, but revealed nine ancient cities, each built on top of the next and dating back some 5,000 years. At the time, most archaeologists were skeptical that Troy was among the ruins, but evidence since the discovery suggests the Trojan capital indeed lies within the site.

viMory:  folklore  民间传说    intrigue  阴谋   excavations  挖掘   roughshod  防滑钉铁踢     wrought  工作

