flex 游戏引擎

No.1 FFilmation

被各大blog 网站论坛介绍的最多的游戏引擎爽的冒泡的效果还提供地图编辑器

个人认为最NB的是他的光影系统 另外那个logo是某台湾业者作的 呵呵

The FFilmation Engine is an AS3 isometric programing engine, focused mainly on

game development. The aim of the project is providing a robust development platform,

where game designers can work on the game’s details and forget about the render engine.

It is intended to be really usable from a “real production scenario” point of view


你可以在这里找到 点击这里 在线例子(体积较大,耐心等待)

No.2 PushButton Engine

新出现的游戏引擎 ,各大博客介绍也很多,好评不少 但是个人认为

这个有点复杂 而且一直在更新,没有好的例子作研究。。。。估计是我水平挖


The PushButton Engine is an Open Source, Flash game engine and framework that’s

designed for a new generation of games. PushButton Engine makes it easy to bring

together great existing libraries and components for building Flash games.

Spend less time on code, more time on building fun games.

这个引擎是有多个组件组成的可以单独拿出来使用 也可以一起用包含以下组件

值得注意的是外国游戏引擎物理部分大部分使用的是BOX2D 用外国游戏引擎

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No.3 Citrus Engine

Citrus 是一个由Actionscript 3.0 语言和 Box2D物理引擎实现的卷轴类游戏 引擎。
设计师和开发者可以利用Citrus 快速的构建卷轴(平台)类游戏。

The Citrus Engine is a Flash sidescrolling platform game engine built on the power

of ActionScript 3.0 and Box2D. The Citrus Engine was built to allow designers

and developers to quickly and easily create platform games (also called side-scrollers)

like Super Mario Brothers. Teams can use the Citrus Engine for advergaming,

marketing and casual games for game portals

你可以在这里找到 点击这里

No.4 Yogurt3D

3D 游戏引擎 从介绍看有非常好的特性 当然有难度(对小菜我来说)

如果没有接触过3d的概念 这个看看就算了

Yogurt3D Game Engine is a brand new 3D Flash engine that doesn’t require users to

download plug-ins because it works inside your browser via Adobe Flash Player.

Yogurt3D’s core part, SwiftGL, is open-source and compatible with OpenGL.

This means developers who already program in OpenGL can easily develop 3D Flash games and applications

They can easily transform their old OpenGL codes into SwiftGL and run their existing games in Adobe Flash.

你可以在这里找到 点击这里 在线例子

No.5 openspace

OpenSpace is a powerful Flash based isometric engine and framework for

rapid development of multi-user virtual worlds and MMO communities.

The engine leverages the power of ActionScript 3 and SmartFoxServer ,

offering an unprecedented level of features and customizations.

你可以从这里找到 点击这里 在线例子

No.6 Teris game Engine( bigroom

你可以从这里找到 点击这里

No.7 flixel


flixel is a completely free collection of Actionscript 3 files that helps organize,

automate, and optimize Flash games; an object-oriented framework that lets

anyone create original and complex games with thousands of objects on screen in just a few hours.

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No.8 Raze 你可以在这里找到 点击这里

No.9 tile-game-engine 你可以在这里找到 点击这里

No.10 hexagon 你可以在这里找到 点击这里

No.11 2d-isometric-engine 你可以在这里找到 点击这里

No.12 as3isolib 你可以在这里找到 点击这里

No.13 盛大最新flash游戏引擎 你可以在这里找到 点击这里

本文由温莎原创转载请注明出处 如何各位还了解别的游戏引擎
