TNS: 连接关闭

脚本:Error # -2147467259 [Ora]Ora-12537: TNS: 连接关闭


net configuration assistant:
正在连接...ORA-12537: TNS: 连接关闭


sql developer

io 异常:got minus one from a read call
Vendor code 17002




The listener uses the dispatcher as a type of service handler to which it can direct client requests. When client a client request arrives, the listener performs one of the following actions:

  • Hands the connection request directly to a dispatcher .

  • Issues a redirect message to the client, containing the protocol address of a dispatcher. The client then terminates the network session to the listener and establishes a network session to the dispatcher, using the network address provided in the redirect message.


结论: 可能是server端对每个ip的连接数做了限制,不确定,没跟客户确认。

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