网页草图利器:Visio Stencils for Information Architects



2、用Visio画一个大概的图形页面出来。因为是原型嘛,只要能描述出页面的元素,丑陋简单点也无所谓。虽然Visio用起来会比PhotoShop效率高很多,但也还是一件很烦人的事情。因为Visio中并没有一个专为Web页面使用的图形元素模板,最多也就是有一个“软件-->Windows XP用户界面”(SoftWare-->Windows XP User Interface),里面有类似HTML控件的一些“Comomon Controls”,花点时间也还是能做一个比较逼真的Web效果页面出来。不过用起来还是稍微欠缺点什么,因为毕竟不是专为Web页面用的。

今天浓重介绍这套Visio Stencils for Information Architects,有了它,你将彻底与上述问题say byebye.

Nick Finck开发的这套Visio Stencils共分三块:Wireframe Stencil、Sitemap Stencil、Process Flow Stencil。其中的Wireframe Stencil就是我们所想要的东东啦~


Wireframes (sometimes referred to as schematics, page architecture, or blueprints) are diagrams of either pages or templates for a web site, web application, or system. These are typically constructed of boxes representing areas or regions, text representing content, crossed out boxes representing possible image placement, and navigational features such as tabs, navigation bars, or links. In greater detail wireframes may be more abstract by only communicating what needs to go on a page and what priority it should have, or they may be more detailed showing exactly what content, images, and functionality need to exist on a specific page. Some wireframes may also be just templates that show how various web parts or modules will be incorporated into the page (these kinds of wireframes are sometimes referred to as wireframe templates, or zone diagrams).


网页草图利器:Visio Stencils for Information Architects


