IOS 5编程 内存管理 ARC技术概述

ARC(Automatic Reference Counting)技术概述


Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) 是一个编译期的技术,利用此技术可以简化Objective-C编程在内存管理方面的工作量。


IOS 5编程 内存管理 ARC技术概述_第1张图片




ARC在编译期间为每个Objective-C指针变量添加合适的retain, release, autorelease等函数,保存每个变量的生存周期控制在合理的范围内,以期实现代码上的自动内存管理。

In order for the compiler to generate correct code, ARC imposes some restrictions on the methods you can use, and on how you use toll-free bridging (see“Toll-Free Bridged Types”); ARC also introduces new lifetime qualifiers for object references anddeclared properties.

你可以使用编译标记-fobjc-arc来让你的工程支持ARC。ARC在Xcode4.2中引入,在Mac OS X v10.6,v10.7 (64位应用),iOS 4,iOS 5中支持,Xcode4.1中不支持这个技术.

如果你现在的工程不支持ARC技术,你可以通过一个自动转换工具来转换你的工程(工具在Edit->Convert menu),这个工具会自动所有工程中手动管理内存的点转换成合适自动方式的(比如移除retain, release等)。这个工具会转换工程中所有的文件。当然你可以转换单个文件。




@interface Person : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *firstName;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *lastName;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *yearOfBirth;
@property (nonatomic, strong) Person *spouse;
@implementation Person
@synthesize firstName, lastName, yearOfBirth, spouse;

(有关strong的帮助,请参考“ARC Introduces New Lifetime Qualifiers.”)


- (void)contrived {
    Person *aPerson = [[Person alloc] init];
    [aPerson setFirstName:@"William"];
    [aPerson setLastName:@"Dudney"];
    [aPerson:setYearOfBirth:[[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:2011]];
    NSLog(@"aPerson: %@", aPerson);



- (void)takeLastNameFrom:(Person *)person {
    NSString *oldLastname = [self lastName];
    [self setLastName:[person lastName]];
    NSLog(@"Lastname changed from %@ to %@", oldLastname, [self lastName]);




  • 下面的这些函数:dealloc,retain,release,retainCount,autorelease。禁止任何形式调用和实现(dealloc可能会被实现),包括使用@selector(retain),@selector(release)等的隐含调用。

    你可能会实现一个和内存管理没有关系的dealloc,譬如只是为了调用[systemClassInstance setDelegate:nil] ,但是请不要调用[super dealloc] ,因为编译器会自动处理这些事情。

  • 你不可以使用NSAllocateObject或者NSDeallocateObject.


  • 不能在C语言中的结构中使用Objective-c中的类的指针。


  • 不能使用NSAutoreleasePool.


  • 不能使用memory zones.



  • 禁止以new开头的属性变量命名。

ARC Introduces New Lifetime Qualifiers

ARC introduces several new lifetime qualifiers for objects, andzeroing weak references. A weak reference does not extend the lifetime of the object it points to. A zeroing weak reference automatically becomesnilif the object it points to is deallocated.

You should take advantage of these qualifiers to manage the object graphs in your program. In particular, ARC does not guard againststrong reference cycles(previously known as retain cycles—see“Practical Memory Management”). Judicious use of weak relationships will help to ensure you don’t create cycles.



// 下面的作用和: @property(retain) MyClass *myObject;相同
@property(strong) MyClass *myObject;
// 下面的作用和"@property(assign) MyClass *myObject;"相识
// 不同的地方在于,如果MyClass的实例析构后,这个属性变量的值变成nil,而不是一个野指针,
@property(weak) MyClass *myObject;

Variable Qualifiers

You use the following lifetime qualifiers for variables just like you would, say,const.


__strongis the default.__weakspecifies a zeroing weak reference to an object.__unsafe_unretainedspecifies weak reference to an object that is not zeroing—if the object it references is deallocated, the pointer is left dangling. You use__autoreleasingto denote arguments that are passed by reference (id *) and are autoreleased on return.

Take care when using__weakvariables on the stack. Consider the following example:

NSString __weak *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"First Name: %@", [self firstName]];
NSLog(@"string: %@", string);

Althoughstringis used after the initial assignment, there is no other strong reference to the string object at the time of assignment; it is therefore immediately deallocated. The log statement shows thatstringhas a null value.

You also need to take care with objects passed by reference. The following code will work:

NSError *error = nil;
BOOL OK = [myObject performOperationWithError:&error];
if (!OK) {
    // Report the error.
    // ...

However, the error declaration is implicitly:

NSError * __strong e = nil;

and the method declaration would typically be:

-(BOOL)performOperationWithError:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;

The compiler therefore rewrites the code:

NSError __strong *error = nil;
NSError __autoreleasing *tmp = error;
BOOL OK = [myObject performOperationWithError:&tmp];
error = tmp;
if (!OK) {
    // Report the error.
    // ...

The mismatch between the local variable declaration (__strong) and the parameter (__autoreleasing) causes the compiler to create the temporary variable. You can get the original pointer by declaring the parameterid __strong *when you take the address of a__strongvariable. Alternatively you can declare the variable as__autoreleasing.

Use Lifetime Qualifiers to Avoid Strong Reference Cycles

You can use lifetime qualifiers to avoid strong reference cycles. For example, typically if you have a graph of objects arranged in a parent-child hierarchy and parents need to refer to their children and vice versa, then you make the parent-to-child relationship strong and the child-to-parent relationship weak. Other situations may be more subtle, particularly when they involveblock objects.

In manual reference counting mode,__block id x;has the effect of not retainingx. In ARC mode,__block id x;defaults to retainingx(just like all other values). To get the manual reference counting mode behavior under ARC, you could use__unsafe_unretained __block id x;. As the name__unsafe_unretainedimplies, however, having a non-retained variable is dangerous (because it can dangle) and is therefore discouraged. Two better options are to either use__weak(if you don’t need to support iOS4 or OSXv10.6), or set the__blockvalue tonilto break the retain cycle.

The following code fragment illustrates this issue using a pattern that is sometimes used in manual reference counting.

MyViewController *myController = [[MyViewController alloc] init…];
// ...
myController.completionHandler =  ^(NSInteger result) {
   [myController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
[self presentViewController:myController animated:YES completion:^{
   [myController release];

As described, instead, you can use a__blockqualifier and set themyControllervariable tonilin the completion handler:

__block MyViewController *myController = [[MyViewController alloc] init…];
// ...
myController.completionHandler =  ^(NSInteger result) {
    [myController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
    myController = nil;

Alternatively, you can use a temporary__weakvariable. The following example illustrates a simple implementation:

MyViewController *myController = [[MyViewController alloc] init…];
// ...
__weak MyViewController *weakMyViewController = myController;
myController.completionHandler =  ^(NSInteger result) {
    [weakMyViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

For non-trivial cycles, however, you should use:

MyViewController *myController = [[MyViewController alloc] init…];
// ...
__weak MyViewController *weakMyController = myController;
myController.completionHandler =  ^(NSInteger result) {
    MyViewController *strongMyController = weakMyController;
    if (strongMyController) {
        // ...
        [strongMyController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
        // ...
    else {
        // Probably nothing...

In some cases you can use__unsafe_unretainedif the class isn’t__weakcompatible. This can, however, become impractical for nontrivial cycles because it can be hard or impossible to validate that the__unsafe_unretainedpointer is still valid and still points to the same object in question.



@autoreleasepool {
     // Code, such as a loop that creates a large number of temporary objects.



The patterns for declaringoutletsin iOS and OSX change with ARC and become consistent across both platforms. The pattern you shouldtypicallyadopt is: outlets should beweak, except for those from File’s Owner to top-level objects in a nib file (or a storyboard scene) which should bestrong.

Outlets that you create should will therefore generally beweakby default:

  • Outlets that you create to, for example, subviews of a view controller’s view or a window controller’s window, are arbitrary references between objects that do not imply ownership.

  • Thestrongoutlets are frequently specified by framework classes (for example,UIViewController’sviewoutlet, orNSWindowController’swindowoutlet).

For example:

@interface MyFilesOwnerClass : SuperClass
@property (weak) IBOutlet MyView *viewContainerSubview;
@property (strong) IBOutlet MyOtherClass *topLevelObject;

In cases where you cannot create a weak reference to an instance of a particular class (such asNSTextView), you should useassignrather thanweak:

@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTextView *textView;

This pattern extends to references from a container view to its subviews where you have to consider theinternalconsistency of your object graph. For example, in the case of a table view cell, outlets to specific subviews should again typically beweak. If a table view contains an image view and a text view, then these remain valid so long as they are subviews of the table view cell itself.

Outlets should be changed tostrongwhen the outlet should be considered to own the referenced object:

  • As indicated previously, this often the case with File’s Owner: top level objects in a nib file are frequently considered to be owned by the File’s Owner.

  • You may in some situations need an object from a nib file to exist outside of its original container. For example, you might have an outlet for a view that can be temporarily removed from its initial view hierarchy and must therefore be maintained independently.



- (void)myMethod {
    NSString *name;
    NSLog(@"name: %@", name);

