升级到SVN 1.20时发生的BDB版本问题的处理

因为上次升级的Tortoise SVN 1.1.7版本感觉有时不太对劲,不如1.1.4稳定,所以回去前就升级到了1.20。结果发现原来用 BDB(Berkeley DB)建的Repositry不能访问了,报一个什么BDB版本4.3不能操作数据库的错误。但用文件方式建的Repositry可以访问,巨汗。鉴于时间匆忙,只好先新建一个文件型的Repositry将就用。

回来以后搜索了一下关于SVN的BDB Repositry版本问题,总算找到答案在这里

Use this procedure to upgrade your repository in-place to BDB 4.3:

  • Make sure no process is accessing the repository (stop Apache, svnserve, restrict access via file://, svnlook, svnadmin, etc.)
  • Using an older svnadmin binary (that is, linked to an older BerkeleyDB):
    1. Recover the repository: 'svnadminrecover/path/to/repository'
    2. Make a backup of the repository.
    3. Delete all unused log files. You can see them by running 'svnadminlist-unused-dblogs/path/to/repeository'
    4. Delete the shared-memory files. These are files in the repository's db/ directory, of the form __db.00*

The repository is now usable by Berkeley DB 4.3.

下载了一个SVN 1.1.4(注意:不是Tortoise SVN),然后按文中的步骤完成以后,果然可以了。


特别建议: 平时最好养成定期备份Repositry的习惯
