
var value = (function() {  // Wrapper function creates a local scope or namespace
    // your code goes here
    return value;  // Export a value from the namespace
})());  // Invoke the wrapper function to run your code

这很简单,只要在执行前把这段代码包含进一个函数里。在这个情况下,构造函数Function() 比起eval() 更加得心应手。

var code = ....;  // A string of JS code to evaluate
var f = new Function(code);   // Wrap it in a function
f();    // And run the function

return function(s) { return eval(s); };


var code = readFile("Set.js");  // A string of JS code to evaluate
// Define and invoke a wrapper function with special suffix code.
// The return value is a namespace evaluator function and we treat
// it as a namespace object.
var setns = new Function(code + "return function(s) { return eval(s); };")(); 
var Set = setns("Set");  // Import the Set function from the namespace.
var s = new Set();  // Use the class we just imported


// Extract an object containing 3 values from the namespace
var sets = setns('{Set:"Set", BitSet:"BitSet", MultiSet:"MultiSet"}');
var bs = new sets.BitSet();

 * Load modules of code by enveloping them in a function and executing
 * the function: then they don't pollute the global namespace (unless they
 * assign to undeclared variables, but ES5 strict mode will prevent that.)
 * The wrapper function we create returns an evaluator function that 
 * evals a string inside the namespace. This evaluator function is the
 * return value of namespace() and provides read access to the symbols 
 * defined inside the namespace.
function namespace(url) {
    if (!namespace.cache) namespace.cache = {};  // First call only
    if (!namespace.cache.hasOwnProperty(url)) {  // Only load urls once
        var code = gettext(url);           // Read code from url
        var f = new Function(code +        // Wrap code, add a return value
                             "return function(s) { return eval(s); };");
        namespace.cache[url] = f.call({}); // Invoke wrapper, cache evaluator
    return namespace.cache[url];  // Return cached evaluator for this namespace
/* Return the text of the specified url, script element or file */
function gettext(url) {
    if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") { // Running in a browser
        if (url.charAt(0) == '#') {              // URL names a script tag
            var tag = document.getElementById(url.substring(1));
            if (!tag || tag.tagName != "SCRIPT")
                throw new Error("Unknown script " + url);
            if (tag.src) return gettext(tag.src);// If it has a src attribute
            else return tag.text;                // Otherwise use script content
        else {                                   // Load file with Ajax
            var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
            req.open("GET", url, false);         // Asynchronous get
            return req.responseText;             // Error handling?
    else if (typeof readFile == "function") return readFile(url);  // Rhino
    else if (typeof snarf == "function") return snarf(url); // Spidermonkey
    else if (typeof read == "function") return read(url);   // V8
    else throw new Error("No mechanism to load module text");

如果你是一个Python程序员你也许会想,这个技术可能可以用来补充python式的 “从A接向B” 类型模板系统,我一直在考虑和从事这类事情(但不准备共享代码)。

翻译自: http://www.davidflanagan.com/2009/11/functions-as-na.html
