为Redmine安装敏捷插件(Redmine burndown chart plugin for Agile development)

n Install redmine

Install redmine on linux platform (CentOS)

cd to redmine root directory

n Install redmine plugins


follow the process above, and install the following plugins:



In fact, you can download the plugins source codes directly from git or svn repository and put them under the redmine_root/vendor/plugins/.

Copy swfobject.js from the plugin's assets/javascripts directory (will make this happen at install time later) to your RAILS_ROOT/public/javascripts directory

Copy open-flash-chart.swf from the plugin's assets/ director to your RAILS_ROOT/public/ directory

n Restart redmine

pgrep ruby

kill prog_id

ruby ./script/server -e production

n Config redmine

Login redmine system as admin/admin

Go “Administration”->”Plugins”, check if the plugin installed OK:

Redmine Charts Plugin for Redmine which integrates some nice project charts. http://github.com/mszczytowski/redmine_charts/

Maciej Szczytowski


Choose your project, go to “Settings” -> “Modules”, and enable the plugin “Charts” you just installed.

If everything is fine, you will see the “Charts” appears as a new tab in your project page:

为Redmine安装敏捷插件(Redmine burndown chart plugin for Agile development)_第1张图片
