本文是《Java设计模式》Chapter15 Builder的总结。
public class ShowForgiving { public static void main(String[] args) { //待转化字符串 String sample = "Date, November 5, Headcount, 250, " + "City, Springfield, DollarsPerHead, 9.95, HasSite, False"; //中间对象builder ReservationBuilder builder = new ForgivingBuilder(); try { //转换器内部包裹中间对象;然后开始逐步构造中间对象 new ReservationParser(builder).parse(sample); //尝试返回有效对象Reservation(不同builder对有效性有“容忍度”) Reservation res = builder.build(); System.out.println("Forgiving builder: " + res); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } }
public class ReservationParser { private ReservationBuilder builder; public ReservationParser(ReservationBuilder builder) { this.builder = builder; } public void parse(String s) throws ParseException { String[] tokens = s.split(",\\s*"); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i += 2) { String type = tokens[i]; String val = tokens[i + 1]; if ("date".compareToIgnoreCase(type) == 0) { Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); Date d = formatter.parse(val + ", " + now.get(Calendar.YEAR)); builder.setDate(ReservationBuilder.futurize(d)); } else if ("headcount".compareToIgnoreCase(type) == 0) builder.setHeadcount(Integer.parseInt(val)); else if ("City".compareToIgnoreCase(type) == 0) builder.setCity(val.trim()); else if ("DollarsPerHead".compareToIgnoreCase(type) == 0) builder.setDollarsPerHead(new Dollars(Double.parseDouble(val))); else if ("HasSite".compareToIgnoreCase(type) == 0) builder.setHasSite(val.equalsIgnoreCase("true")); } } }
二、Builder模式好处(P165 Summary)
The Builder pattern separate the construction of a complex object from its representation. This has the immediate effect of making a complex target class simpler. It lets a builder class("ReservationBuilder") focus on the proper construction of an object, leaving the target class("Reservation") to focus on the operation of valid instance. This is especially useful when you want to ensure the validity of an object before instantiating it and don't want the associated logic to appear in the target class's constructors. A builder also accommodates step-by-step construction, which often occurs when you create an object by parsing text .
简言之,Builder 模式将对象的构造过程分离出来(就好像把Ctor做成一个类似的)!通常是因为构造过程比较复杂,如: