markItUp - 一个轻量级的文本编辑器

一个基于jQuery的开源文本编辑器, 目标是让开发者能够将textarea元素扩展为一个简单的文本编辑器。现在支持html、Wiki、BBScode等编辑格式,并且相当的轻巧(5.5k),有比较好的扩展性,如果需求简单的话可以考虑一下。





When Jay Salvat set out to build markItUp!, he wasn't trying to build the next FCKEditor or TinyMCE. He just wanted to build a simple editor that could allow developers to add enhanced markup capability to textarea elements.

markItUp! is a JavaScript plugin built on the jQuery library. It allows you to turn any textarea into a markup editor. Html, Textile, Wiki Syntax, Markdown, BBcode or even your own Markup system can be easily implemented. markItUp! is not meant to be a “Full-Features-Out-of-the-Box”-editor. Instead it is a very lightweight, customizable and flexible engine made to meet the developer's needs in their CMSes, blogs, forums or websites. markItUp! is not a WYSIWYG editor, and it never will be.

The usage is very straightforward. The following code demonstrates the ease of using markItUp!:

  1. <link rel= "stylesheet" type= "text/css" href= "markitup/skins/markitup/style.css" />
  2. <link rel= "stylesheet" type= "text/css" href= "markitup/sets/html/style.css" />
  1. <script type= "text/javascript" src= "jquery.js"></script>
  2. <script type= "text/javascript" src= "markitup/jquery.markitup.js"></script>
  3. <script type= "text/javascript" src= "markitup/sets/html/set.js"></script>
  4. <script language= "javascript">
  5. $ (document ). ready ( function ( )    {
  6.     $ ( '#html' ). markItUp (myHtmlSettings );
  7. } );
  8. </script>
  1. <textarea id="html" cols="80" rows="20">
  2.         ...html stuff...
  3. </textarea>

The code generates a very intuitive markup editor as demonstrated below:

markItUp - 一个轻量级的文本编辑器

The script also provides several different options for the editor which adjust the style of editing. You can see those on the examples page.

The main highlights of markItUp! include:

  • Fast and unobtrusive integration
  • Support for keyboard shortcuts
  • Toolbar and drop down menus
  • Fully customizable and scriptable
  • Editor's features callable from any place
  • Ajax dynamic preview
  • Customizable Skins
  • Tested on PC: IE6/7, Firefox 2, Opera 9+, Safari 3
  • Tested on OSX: Safari, Opera 9+ and Firefox 2
  • License: MIT/GPL
  • Packed naked engine is about 5.5 kb
