$ gcc -I /usr/openwin/include fred.c
$ grep EXIT_ *.h
标准的系统库文件一般保存在/lib或/usr/lib子目录中。库文件的名字永远以“lib”这几个字母打头,随后便是函数库说明的部分(比如用c表示 这是一个C语言函数库,用m表示一个数学运算库),文件名的最后部分以一个“.”开始,然后给出这个库文件的类型:静态函数库.a;共享函数库.so 或.sa。
$ cc -o fred fred.c /usr/lib/libm.a
$ cc -o fred fred.c -lm
-lm代表标准目录库中名为libm.a的函数库。 更详细的解释参见下面的例子。
$ cc -o x11fred -L/usr/openwin/lib x11fred.c -lX11
2.1 静态库(archive)
$ cc -c bill.c fred.c
ar crv libfoo.a bill.o fred.o
ranlib libfoo.a
$ cc -o program program.o -L. -lfoo
2.2 共享库
如果一个程序使用了共享库,它的连接方式是这样的:它本身不再保存函数的代码,而只保存共享代码的调用线索,共享代码是在运行的时候才加入其中的。对 Linux系统而言,负责加载共享库并解析客户程序中函数调用线索的程序(即共享库动态加载器)是ld.so或ld-linux.so.2;查找共享库的 其他地点是在/etc/ld.so.conf文件里配置的;如果这个文件进行了修改,就需要用ldconfig命令进行处理。
$ ldd program
3 基本的Shell命令
3.1 Redirecting Output
For ">", by default, if the file already exists, then it will be overwritten. If you want to change the default behavior, you can use the command
set -o noclobber (or
set -C), which sets the noclobber option to prevent a file from being overwritten using redirection. You can cancel this option using
set +o noclobber.
For ">>", outputs are appended to the end of the file.
File descriptor 0 is the standard input to a program, file descriptor 1 is the standard output, and file descriptor 2 is the standard error output. It’s unusual to want to redirect any other than the standard ones: 0, 1, and 2.
To redirect the standard error output, preface the > operator with the number of the file descriptor you wish to redirect. Because the standard error is on file descriptor 2, use the 2> operator. This is often useful to discard error information and prevent it from appearing on the screen.
The command
$ kill -HUP 1234 >killout.txt 2>killerr.txt
will put the output and error information into separate files.
If you prefer to capture both sets of output into a single file, you can use the
>& operator to combine the two outputs. Therefore,
$ kill -1 1234 >killouterr.txt 2>&1
will put both the output and error outputs into the same file. Notice the order of the operators. This reads as “redirect standard output to the file killouterr.txt, and then direct standard error to the same place as the standard output.” If you get the order wrong, the redirect won’t work as you expect.
3.2 Redirecting Input
3.3 Pipes
Processes connected by pipes can run simultaneously and are automatically rescheduled as data flows between them.
3.4 file command
The best way to check if a file is a script or not is to use the
file command — for example,
file first or
file /bin/bash.
4 Shell Scripts
P60, to be continued...