Opposite of Ext.urlEncode? - Ext JS

I've been using Prototype's String.toQueryParams (http://www.prototypejs.org/api/string/toQueryParams) for quite some time. You pass a query string and it returns an object.

Now I know we all have Ext.urlEncode, which effectively does the opposite, pass and object, returns a string. Is there anything in Ext which currently does the reverse of this, like Prototype's func?
  # 2  
03-07-2007, 03:51 AM

There isn't a function for it in Ext. Personally, I have never needed it. What are you using it for?
  # 3  
03-07-2007, 06:12 AM

I'm storing some values in querystring format in the hash string of the url, this allows for some quick and easy browser history abstraction for ajax applications that don't change the url. Simply monitor changes in the url's hashstring and parse it accordingly, this also makes handling bookmarking/favorites easily.
  # 4  
03-07-2007, 11:47 PM

Have you ever checked out the YUI History stuff? It uses the same type of history abstraction I'm currently in the process of implementing using Ext.

