零 密码相关
1 PGP: http://www.pgp.com Pretty Good Privacy, 应用最为广泛的加密软件。
2 GPG:http://www.gnupg.org/ 开源PGP。
Front End: http://gpgee.excelcia.org/ , GPGee,提供GPG的右键支持
http://winpt.sourceforge.net/en/ Windows Privacy Tools (WinPT) is a collection of multilingual applications for easy digital encryption and signing of content. It's GnuPG-based, compatible with OpenPGP compliant software (like PGP) and free for commercial and personal use under the GPL。
GPG4Win:http://www.gpg4win.org/ , GPG4Win(GnuPGforWindows)是一个包含了GnuPG、WinPT、GPA等实用工具软件的安装程序。
3 Crypto++:http://www.cryptopp.com/
4 OpenCA:http://www.openca.org/
5 OpenSSL:http://www.openssl.org/
6 Crypttix:http://www.cryptix.org/
7 Legion of the Bouncy Castle:http://www.bouncycastle.org,Crypto APIs for Java and C#.
8 TrueCrypt:http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads.php,TrueCrypt是一款免费,开源的支持Windows Vista/XP/2000 and Linux的绿色虚拟加密磁盘工具,可以在硬盘上创建一个或多个虚拟磁盘,所有虚拟磁盘上的文件都被自动加密,需要通过密码来进行访问。TrueCrypt提供多种加密算法,如AES-256、Blowfish(448-bitkey)、CAST5、Serpent、Triple DES等,其他特性还包括支持FAT32和NTFS分区、隐藏卷标和热键启动。
一 扫描工具相关
0 源代码安全扫描工具
0.1 RATA(Rough Auditing Tool for Security):http://www.fortifysoftware.com/security-resources/rats.jsp
RATS is a tool for scanning C, C++, Perl, PHP and Python source code and flagging common security related programming errors such as buffer overflows and TOCTOU (Time Of Check, Time Of Use) race conditions.
0.2 Flawfinder:http://www.dwheeler.com/flawfinder/
A program that examines source code and reports possible security weaknesses (``flaws'') sorted by risk level. It's very useful for quickly finding and removing at least some potential security problems before a program is widely released to the public
0.3 ITS4:http://www.cigital.com/its4/
ITS4 is a simple tool that statically scans C and C++ source code for potential security vulnerabilities
1 Nmap:http://insecure.org/nmap
3 Nessus:http://www.nessus.org
基于脚本扩充;有专门的脚本语言NASL(nessus attack scripting language)
4 X-Scan:http://www.xfocus.net/tools/200507/1057.html
5 SATAN:Security Administrator‘s Tool for Analyzing Networks
6 SQLScan:http://www.foundstone.com
二 Sniffer相关
1 Sniffer Pro:
2 Ethereal: http://www.ethereal.org/
3 TCPDump: http://www.tcpdum.org/
4 IRIS: http://www.eeye.com/
三 IDS相关
1 Snort:http:www.snort.org
四 防火墙相关
1 Firestarter:http://www.fs-security.com/
2 SoftPerfect Personal Firewall:http://www.softperfect.com/products/firewall/,The SoftPerfect Personal Firewall is a free network firewall designed to protect your PC against attacks from the Internet or via a local area network.
五 木马、病毒相关
1 ClamWin Free Antivirus:http://sourceforge.net/projects/clamwin, ClamWin是一套功能非常优秀的免费防毒软件。具有强大的文件与电子邮件防护能力、排程扫描、在线更新病毒码、及时侦测等功能,这是ClamWin的前端。
六 口令相关
0 ophcrack:http://sourceforge.net/projects/ophcrack,很强的口令破解工具。
1 keepass:http://keepass.info/,开源的口令管理软件。它开源且跨平台——适用于Windows, Linux, OS X, 甚至是移动设备。它将在线的或本地的口令保存于安全的数据库中。类似的见这。
七 审计跟踪
0 Eraser:http://sourceforge.net/projects/eraser/ ,Eraser is a secure data removal tool for Windows. It completely removes sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns。
1 logsurf:http://www.dfn-cert.de/eng/logsurf/index.html,是一个综合日志分析工具。根据它发现的内容,它能执行各种动作,包括告警、执行外部程序,甚至将日志文件数据分块并将它们送给外部命令或进程处理
2 swatch:http://sourceforge.net/projects/swatch/,Swatch started out as the "simple watchdog" for activly monitoring log files produced by UNIX's syslog facility. It has since been evolving into a utility that can monitor just about any type of log.
3 Colorlogs:http://www.resentment.org/projects/colorlogs/,Perl Script<!---->
八 开发包相关
1 Libpcap: http://www.tcpdump.org/
2 Winpcap: http://www.winpcap.org/
Libpcap Windows下的等价物。基于其开发的著名软件:Windump,Analyzer,Ethereal,Dsniff......
3 Libnet:http://www.packetfactory.net/libnet/
4 Libdnet:http://libdnet.sourceforge.net/
5 Libnids:http://libnids.sourceforge.net/