WEBI performance tunning - query stripping

Copied from note 1381821


For Web Intelligence a common problem is that too many dimensions are requested from the MDX interface. Usually, you will see MDX statements containing all dimensions (characteristics) used in the Webi query even so they are not displayed in the Webi report in CROSSJOIN expressions in the MDX statement. This will lead to memory dumps in all 3 processing layers.
Up to BOE XI3.1 SP3 the BOE server would request the data for the whole microcube of the WebI query and thus request all dimensions used in the WebI query from BW at once. Query stripping now gives you the opportunity to signal that WebI should only request the displayed dimensions. More details can be found here:



这个设定有其pros and cons,要针对用户场景。如果用户不是做add-hoc reporting 不需要做很多的交互操作,那么激活这个功能会大大提高性能。如果客户需要对WEBI进行大量操作,那么激活此功能会需要用户不断地刷新报表,就失去了意义。
