最新发布的美洲狮10.8系统提供了一个FileVault 2功能的改进,管理工具fdesetup。在狮子版本中最新推出的FileVault 2时,它的功能虽然可以完全胜任个人用户对磁盘加密的需求,但是缺少工具用于企业环境中的管理,也就是对于多用户的支持/状态监控/恢复等手段。随着美洲狮的推出,这一弱点也开始被克服了。
sudo fdesetup enable
Enter the primary user name: tonyliu Enter the password for the user 'tonyliu': ==== EFILoginCopyUserGraphics === Recover key = 'MMN6-PO7N-RKMG-5MOT-YVT2-8BN3 Please reboot to complete the process.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Username</key> <string>username</string> <key>Password</key> <string>password</string> <key>AdditionalUsers</key> <array> <dict> <key>Username</key> <string>username</string> <key>Password</key> <string>password</string> </dict> <dict> <key>Username</key> <string>username</string> <key>Password</key> <string>password</string> </dict> </array> </dict> </plist>
其中密码都是明码,这个也可能算一个缺点吧。在Property List Editor中更直观地看,如下图:
sudo fdesetup enable -inputplist < /path/to/FilVault.plist
相比较Google的椰菜花叶的开原项目(我的以前的blog:Mac: 椰菜花叶和FileVault2),这次Apple提供的工具功能更加完善,不过对于处理恢复键方面,Google的方案思路应该值得借鉴。目前来说,Google的该项目还没有进一步的更新,不知道Google的团队能否在此基础上提供更多的功能。
Ref:Using fdesetup with Mountain Lion’s FileVault 2
Tracking history:
FileVault Primier user: fv
COMMAND: sudo fdesetup enable -user fv -usertoadd test -outputplist > /Volumes/OSX8_ESD/myKeyInfo.plist
$ fdesetup list
Error: This tool requires root access to run.
$ sudo fdesetup status
Encryption in progress: Percent completed = 16.50
$ sudo fdesetup add -usertoadd myadmin
Error: FileVault is either Off or is Busy.
$ sudo fdesetup status
FileVault is On.
$ sudo fdesetup add -usertoadd myadmin
Enter the primary user name:fv
Enter the password for the user 'fv':
Enter the password for the added user 'myadmin':
$ sudo fdesetup list
# Wrong primary user and test user's password.
# it's added!!!
$ sudo fdesetup add -usertoadd test
Enter the primary user name:fvv
Enter the password for the user 'fvv':
Enter the password for the added user 'test':
$ sudo fdesetup list
# Test account is listed on login screen.
# test can login with the right password no the wrong one.
$ sudo fdesetup remove -user test -verbose
fdesetup: user = test
User 'test' = user uuid = '39079B44-22D9-4AA0-BEA2-35FBB5C7C7E4'.
# Testing for entering not exist primary user account to add, got error.
$ sudo fdesetup add -usertoadd test
Enter the primary user name:a
Enter the password for the user 'a':
Enter the password for the added user 'test':
Error: Unable to add user 'test' to existing FileVault
Error: Unable to add one or more users to FileVault.
# Testing for entering not primary user account to add, and wrong test account password, no error. but not added.
$ sudo fdesetup add -usertoadd test
Enter the primary user name:admin
Enter the password for the user 'admin':
Enter the password for the added user 'test':
$ sudo fdesetup list
# ###################################
# Test: entering, admin (not primary user) and right test account password,
$ sudo fdesetup list
# Any user who has admin privilege and is added in the FV2 login, can add any other user to login to FV2 machine.
# UUID is the user's account GeneratedUID
$ dscl . read /Users/test GeneratedUID
GeneratedUID: 39079B44-22D9-4AA0-BEA2-35FBB5C7C7E4
# Questions: AD/OD integrated users, how to migrate to FV2 system. how they change password, change password on another machine then how to sync the changes?
# ###################################
# Primary user changing password.
# In another admin user from Users & Groups of System Preferences
# fv's password -> fv
# login : Update keychain password -> works!
# Add/Remove other FV2 accounts, with the new password, works!
# In his own account from Users & Groups of System Preferences
# not tested, but should be Ok.
# login :
# Add/Remove other FV2 accounts
# Other FV2 user changing password.
# not test, but should work
# Disable the FV2,
# enter primary user account password
$ sudo fdesetup disable
Enter the password or recovery key:
FileVault has been disabled.
$ sudo fdesetup status
Decryption in progress: Percent completed = 0.18
fdesetup -- FileVault enabling tool
fdesetup verb [options]
fdesetup is used to enable or disable FileVault, to list enabled FileVault users, or to add additional users
after FileVault has already been enabled. When enabling FileVault, the tool can return a recovery key. File-
Vault can also be set up with an institutional recovery key.
Data passed in via stdin should be a property list using the example format below. When enabling FileVault,
the top level Username and Password key values must be an existing user. When disabling and when adding addi-
tional users, the top level Username key is ignored, and the Password key value should either be an existing
FileVault user password or the recovery key. If a password is not in the dictionary, the tool will prompt for
it. Username parameters should be short names of existing users.
With the -keychain option, an institutional recovery key can be set up by placing an X.509 asymmetric public
certificate in the /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain file. security create-filevaultmaster-keychain
can be used to create the keychain. Alternatively a certificate can be passed in by using the -certificate
option and entering the path to the DER encoded certificate file. In this case the FileVaultMaster.keychain
file will be created using the certificate.
If you do not want a recovery key returned, use the -norecoverykey option. This should only be used when an
institutional recovery key has been configured.
The list command will display the short names and UUIDs of any enabled FileVault users. The remove command
will remove a user from FileVault.
The syncusers command synchronizes Open Directory attributes (e.g. user pictures) with FileVault users, and
removes FileVault users that were removed from Open Directory. It does not add users to FileVault.
Each verb is listed with its description and individual arguments.
Shows abbreviated help
list [-verbose]
List enabled users.
enable [[[-user username ...] [-usertoadd added_username ...]] | [-inputplist]] [-outputplist] [-prompt]
[-forcerestart] [-keychain | [-certificate path_to_cer_file]] [-defer file_path] [-norecoverykey]
Enables FileVault.
disable [-verbose]
Disables FileVault.
status [-verbose]
Returns current status about FileVault.
Synchronizes information from Open Directory to FileVault.
add -usertoadd added_username ... | -inputplist [-prompt] [-verbose]
Adds additional FileVault users.
remove -uuid user_uuid | -user username [-verbose]
Removes enabled user from FileVault.
Returns status 0 if FileVault is enabled.
Displays current tool version.
-defer file_path
Defer enabling FileVault until the user password is obtained, and recovery key and system information
will be written to the file path.
-user user_shortname
Short user name.
-uuid user_uuid
User UUID in canonical form: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555.
-usertoadd added_user
Additional user(s) to be added to FileVault.
Acquire configuration information from stdin when enabling or adding users to FileVault.
Always prompt for information.
Force a restart after FileVault has been successfully configured.
Outputs the recovery key and additional system information to stdout.
Use the institutional recovery key stored in /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.keychain.
-certificate path_to_cer_file
Use the certificate data located at the path. Any existing /Library/Keychains/FileVaultMaster.key-
chain file will be moved away with the location logged in the system log.
Do not return a recovery key.
The -defer option can be used with the enable command option to delay enabling FileVault until after the cur-
rent (or next) user logs out, thus avoiding the need to enter a password when the tool is run. The user will
be prompted at logout time for the password, at which point an attempt will be made to enable FileVault. If
the volume is not already a CoreStorage volume, the system may need to be restarted to start the encryption
process. Logout dialogs are automatically dismissed and canceled after 60 seconds if no interaction occurs
and the user will be prompted again at the next logout time.
The -defer option sets up a single user to be added to FileVault. If there was no user specified (e.g. with-
out the -user option), then the currently logged in user will be added to the configuration and becomes the
designated user. If there is no user specified and no users are logged in at the time of configuration, then
the next user that logs in will be used as the designated user.
As recovery key information is not generated until the user password is obtained, the -defer option requires
a path where this information will be written to. The property list file will be created as a root-only read-
able file and should be placed in a secure location.
Options that can be used in conjunction with the defer option include: -keychain, -certificate, -user, and
Note that if the designated user doesn't complete the set-up at logout, FileVault will not be enabled, and
the configuration will remain and be used again for the designated user's next logout, thereby 'nagging' the
user to enable FileVault. To remove an active deferred enablement configuration, use the disable command.
fdesetup enable -user sally -usertoadd johnny -usertoadd henry -outputplist > /secureplace/mykeyinfo.plist
Enables FileVault, adds users sally, johnny and henry to the EFI login, and outputs the recovery key
and other information into the file. Note that the user sally here does not have more privileges
than the other added users.
fdesetup enable -keychain -norecoverykey
Enables FileVault using an institutional recovery key in the FileVaultMaster.keychain file. No per-
sonal recovery key will be created.
fdesetup enable -defer /MykeyAndInfo.plist
Enables FileVault when the current user logs out and successfully enters their password and then
writes the personal recovery key and other relevant information to the file.
fdesetup enable -certificate /mycertfile.cer
Enables FileVault with an institutional recovery key based off the certificate data in the DER
encoded file. A FileVaultMaster.keychain file will be created automatically.
fdesetup enable -inputplist < /someinfo.plist
Enables FileVault using information from the property list read in from stdin.
fdesetup status
Shows the current status of FileVault.
fdesetup list
Lists the current FileVault users.
fdesetup remove -uuid A6C75639-1D98-4F19-ACD5-1892BAE27991
Removes the user with the UUID from the FileVault users list.
fdesetup isactive
Returns with exit status zero if FileVault is enabled and active.
fdesetup add -usertoadd betty
Adds the user betty to the existing FileVault setup.
The exit status of the tool is set to indicate whether any error was detected. The values returned are:
0 No error, or successful operation.
1 FileVault is Off.
2 FileVault appears to be On but Busy.
11 Authentication error.
12 Parameter error.
13 Unknown command error.
14 Bad command error.
15 Bad input error.
16 Legacy FileVault error.
17 Added users failed error.
18 Unexpected keychain found error.
19 Keychain error. This usually means the FileVaultMaster keychain could not be moved or
20 Deferred configuration setup error.
21 Enable failed (Keychain) error.
22 Enable failed (CoreStorage) error.
23 Enable failed (DiskManager) error.
24 Already enabled error.
25 Unable to remove user.
99 Internal error.
sudo fdesetup version
fdesetup: Version 1.30
sudo fdesetup status
FileVault is Off.
sudo fdesetup help
Sets up FileVault for the current boot volume.
Usage: fdesetup <verb> <options>
Use the man page for expanded help.
enable Enable FileVault and optionally add user(s)
disable Disable FileVault
status Return current FileVault status
add Add user(s) to existing FileVault
remove Remove user from FileVault
sync Synchronize existing FileVault user information
-prompt Always prompt for recovery user information. Only works for the recovery user.
-defer <filepath> Defer enabling FileVault until after the user logs out, and writes key and computer information to the file.
-forcerestart Force a restart without confirmation immediately after successfully enabling FileVault
-inputplist Reads configuration info from stdin.
-outputplist Outputs key and computer info to stdout.
-user <username> short user name.
-uuid <uuid> User UUID.
-usertoadd <username> Additional user name when enabling or adding users.
-keychain Use the FileVaultMaster.keychain to add an institutional recovery key when enabling FileVault
-norecoverykey Do not return a recovery key when enabling FileVault
-certificate <certificate path> Path to a DER encoded certificate file to use during enabling