

MyEclipse UML

Pro Version Only (Windows & Linux)

Key features include:

  • 6 UML Diagrams: Use-case, Class, Collaboration, State, Activity, Deployment
  • Integrated Diagram Editor, Outline View, and Properties View
  • UML Perspective
  • Free-form figure drawing tools
  • Direct edit of Node and Connection details via Hot-Zones
  • Diagrams stored in UML Model Repository File (e.g., cardemo.umr)
  • No restriction on location or project type that may contain UML Model Repository files
  • Generate Java code from models
  • Export models as XMI 1.0 format
  • Export diagrams in image format: GIF, PNG, PS, EPS, SVG

MyEclipse UML Perspective

The MyEclipse UML Perspective provides a workbench organization tailored to activities of the modeling process. Default views include the UML Diagram Editor, Outline View, and custom Properties View. Toolbar actions are contributed to make new diagram creation quick and simple.

Example State Diagram

UML Diagram Editor

The UML Diagram Editor supports the navigation and editing of the diagrams that make up a UML Model Repository (UMR). The Diagram Editor's toolbar is customized with tools for each type of diagram. Additionally, a drop-menu enables direct navigation to any diagram within the UMR. New model elements (nodes) are added to a diagaram by selecting the item on the toolbar and then dropping it on the Diagram Editor's drawing surface at the desired position.

A rich set of actions are available for managing individual model element via custom context-menus. Right-click any element will display the element's context-menu.

Diagram Editor - Hot Zones

The Diagram Editor enables you to directly modify nodes and connections through a concept known as a Hot-Zone. There are two type of Hot-Zones: text and connection.

The labels and text of any model element may be edited directly using Text Hot-Zones. A Text Hot-Zone is an editable region within a node or at the center and end-points of a connection, e.g., association. The Hot-Zone is activated by dbl-clicking within its region. When activated a Hot-Zone presents a rectangular editable type-in field. The type-in field accepts direct type-in text and delete/cut/copy/paste operations. To commit the changes of a Text Hot-Zone select anywhere outside of the Hot-Zone edit region. The type-in region will disappear and be replaced with its content.

Quick Connects are a type of Hot-Zone that provides fly-over short-cut association and generalization connections on a node. The user can quickly choose the connection type, e.g., association, generalization, self association, and drag the connection to another node to complete the connection.

UML Model Repository creation wizard

MyEclipse UML persists UML diagrams and model elements in a file known asthe UML Model Repository (UMR). A UMR has a file extension of ' .umr'. The creation and organization of UML Model Repositories is determined by the user. There are no restrictions to how many UMRs that can reside within a project or requirement that projects must be of a certain type to host a UMR. To create a UMR use the UML Model Repository Creation Wizard, File > New > MyEclipse > UML > UML Model Repository.

Forward Engineer - UML2Java Generation

MyEclipse's Eclipse based UML toling enables you to generate Java code directly from the class diagrams of your UML model. The Model2Java Wizard automatically detects and preselects the source folders as destination targets for code generation.

Free-form Drawing

Free-form figures and text may be added to any UML diagram using the Figure Tool.

XMI 1.0 Export

Export UML models in XMI 1.0 format. From the context-menu of any diagram choose 'Export as XMI 1.0'. This will launch the XMI Export Wizard that will guide you through the process of selecting an output location. and execution of the XMI translation process.

Save Diagram as Image

Image Export Wizard enables you to save any UML diagram in image format. The image formats supported are: GIF, PNG, PS, EPS, and SVG. To save a diagram as an image right-click in the Diagram Editor to launch the Image Save Wizard. The wizard enables you to specify the format and location of the image to save.

Diagram Printing

Diagrams can be printed to any connected printer.

MyEclipse Innovations

The innovation and application of Eclipse technology is Genuitec's sole business. With well over 2 million downloads, our MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench product has grown to be the most popular and successful Eclipse-based JEE IDE. Our long chain of Eclipse technology innovation includes:
