#!/usr/bin/env python # example rangewidgets.py import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk # Convenience functions def make_menu_item(name, callback, data=None): item = gtk.MenuItem(name) item.connect("activate", callback, data) item.show() return item def scale_set_default_values(scale): scale.set_update_policy(gtk.UPDATE_CONTINUOUS) scale.set_digits(1) scale.set_value_pos(gtk.POS_TOP) scale.set_draw_value(True) class RangeWidgets: def cb_pos_menu_select(self, item, pos): # Set the value position on both scale widgets self.hscale.set_value_pos(pos) self.vscale.set_value_pos(pos) def cb_update_menu_select(self, item, policy): # Set the update policy for both scale widgets self.hscale.set_update_policy(policy) self.vscale.set_update_policy(policy) def cb_digits_scale(self, adj): # Set the number of decimal places to which adj->value is rounded self.hscale.set_digits(adj.value) self.vscale.set_digits(adj.value) def cb_page_size(self, get, set): # Set the page size and page increment size of the sample # adjustment to the value specified by the "Page Size" scale set.page_size = get.value set.page_incr = get.value # Now emit the "changed" signal to reconfigure all the widgets that # are attached to this adjustment set.emit("changed") def cb_draw_value(self, button): # Turn the value display on the scale widgets off or on depending # on the state of the checkbutton self.hscale.set_draw_value(button.get_active()) self.vscale.set_draw_value(button.get_active()) # makes the sample window def __init__(self): # Standard window-creating stuff self.window = gtk.Window (gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit()) self.window.set_title("range controls") box1 = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.window.add(box1) box1.show() box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) box2.set_border_width(10) box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) box2.show() # value, lower, upper, step_increment, page_increment, page_size # Note that the page_size value only makes a difference for # scrollbar widgets, and the highest value youoll get is actually # (upper - page_size). adj1 = gtk.Adjustment(0.0, 0.0, 101.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0) self.vscale = gtk.VScale(adj1) scale_set_default_values(self.vscale) box2.pack_start(self.vscale, True, True, 0) self.vscale.show() box3 = gtk.VBox(False, 10) box2.pack_start(box3, True, True, 0) box3.show() # Reuse the same adjustment self.hscale = gtk.HScale(adj1) self.hscale.set_size_request(200, 30) scale_set_default_values(self.hscale) box3.pack_start(self.hscale, True, True, 0) self.hscale.show() # Reuse the same adjustment again scrollbar = gtk.HScrollbar(adj1) # Notice how this causes the scales to always be updated # continuously when the scrollbar is moved scrollbar.set_update_policy(gtk.UPDATE_CONTINUOUS) box3.pack_start(scrollbar, True, True, 0) scrollbar.show() box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) box2.set_border_width(10) box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) box2.show() # A checkbutton to control whether the value is displayed or not button = gtk.CheckButton("Display value on scale widgets") button.set_active(True) button.connect("toggled", self.cb_draw_value) box2.pack_start(button, True, True, 0) button.show() box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) box2.set_border_width(10) # An option menu to change the position of the value label = gtk.Label("Scale Value Position:") box2.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) label.show() opt = gtk.OptionMenu() menu = gtk.Menu() item = make_menu_item ("Top", self.cb_pos_menu_select, gtk.POS_TOP) menu.append(item) item = make_menu_item ("Bottom", self.cb_pos_menu_select, gtk.POS_BOTTOM) menu.append(item) item = make_menu_item ("Left", self.cb_pos_menu_select, gtk.POS_LEFT) menu.append(item) item = make_menu_item ("Right", self.cb_pos_menu_select, gtk.POS_RIGHT) menu.append(item) opt.set_menu(menu) box2.pack_start(opt, True, True, 0) opt.show() box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) box2.show() box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) box2.set_border_width(10) # Yet another option menu, this time for the update policy of the # scale widgets label = gtk.Label("Scale Update Policy:") box2.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) label.show() opt = gtk.OptionMenu() menu = gtk.Menu() item = make_menu_item("Continuous", self.cb_update_menu_select, gtk.UPDATE_CONTINUOUS) menu.append(item) item = make_menu_item ("Discontinuous", self.cb_update_menu_select, gtk.UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS) menu.append(item) item = make_menu_item ("Delayed", self.cb_update_menu_select, gtk.UPDATE_DELAYED) menu.append(item) opt.set_menu(menu) box2.pack_start(opt, True, True, 0) opt.show() box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) box2.show() box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) box2.set_border_width(10) # An HScale widget for adjusting the number of digits on the # sample scales. label = gtk.Label("Scale Digits:") box2.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) label.show() adj2 = gtk.Adjustment(1.0, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) adj2.connect("value_changed", self.cb_digits_scale) scale = gtk.HScale(adj2) scale.set_digits(0) box2.pack_start(scale, True, True, 0) scale.show() box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) box2.show() box2 = gtk.HBox(False, 10) box2.set_border_width(10) # And, one last HScale widget for adjusting the page size of the # scrollbar. label = gtk.Label("Scrollbar Page Size:") box2.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) label.show() adj2 = gtk.Adjustment(1.0, 1.0, 101.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) adj2.connect("value_changed", self.cb_page_size, adj1) scale = gtk.HScale(adj2) scale.set_digits(0) box2.pack_start(scale, True, True, 0) scale.show() box1.pack_start(box2, True, True, 0) box2.show() separator = gtk.HSeparator() box1.pack_start(separator, False, True, 0) separator.show() box2 = gtk.VBox(False, 10) box2.set_border_width(10) box1.pack_start(box2, False, True, 0) box2.show() button = gtk.Button("Quit") button.connect("clicked", lambda w: gtk.main_quit()) box2.pack_start(button, True, True, 0) button.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT) button.grab_default() button.show() self.window.show() def main(): gtk.main() return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": RangeWidgets() main()
UPDATE_CONTINUOUS "value_changed"信号发送,当滑动条在移动时
UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS "value_changed" 信号发送,当滑动条停止移动且鼠标按键释放
UPDATE_DELAYED "value_changed" 信号发送,当滑动条停止移动或鼠标按键释放