Bubble Sort (排序详解 之 冒泡排序)

Bubble Sort

This article,we will go through one easier sort algorithm --bubble sort .

Let's Startwith :

5 , 1, 9 ,3, 7 , 4 , 8 ,6 , 2

point :

1.from 1-n ,each time take 2 numbers ,number[k] and number[k+1]

2.comparethem ,if number[k] <(or > , depends on ascendingor descending) number[k+1] then swap them

now thissample is descending sort one array usingbubble sort .

Step 1,takefirst 2 numbers :

Bubble Sort (排序详解 之 冒泡排序)_第1张图片

Step 2: Take1,9

Bubble Sort (排序详解 之 冒泡排序)_第2张图片

Step 3: Take1,3

Bubble Sort (排序详解 之 冒泡排序)_第3张图片

Repeat doingthe same thing ......

At last ,1 willbe the smallest one in thelast position .

so ,now gotit ? if we doing the same steps for 2nd round, we will get:

It is ,2 will be the 2nd one from the end just before 1.

so keep dong,next is 3:

Next is 4:

…… doing the same thing for n times .

finally , wewill get :

Hope now you are quite clear with bubble sort . :)

ReferenceCode :

public List<int> BubbleSort(List<int> arr)
            var sortedArr = newList<int>();
            if (arr.Count < 2) return arr;
            for (var i = sortedArr.Count; i> 0; i--)
                for (var j = 1; j < i; j++)
                    if (sortedArr[j - 1] >sortedArr[j])
                        int tmp = sortedArr[j -1];
                        sortedArr[j - 1] =sortedArr[j];
                        sortedArr[j] = tmp;
            return sortedArr;

Finished .

Thanks forreading . :)
