

1、Mule uses a service-oriented architecture (SOA),enabling easy integration of your existing systems.Regardless of the different technologies the applications use, including JMS, Web Services, JDBC, HTTP, and more, Mule seamlessly handles interactions among them all.
architecture   ['ɑ:kitektʃə] n 构架
Regardless     [ri'ɡɑ:dlis] adv 不顾
seamless       ['si:mlis]    adj. 准确无误的; 完全合乎逻辑的

Mule is based on ideas from Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) architectures.

2、Mule provides many advantages over competitors
advantage              [əd’vɑ:ntidʒ]   n 有利条件, 有利因素, 优势
competitor             [kəm'petitə]              n       竞争者, 对手, 敌手

3、Mule allows you to use your existing components without any changes.
component           [kəm'pəunənt]   n 组成部分, 部件

4、if you need to process invoices, you might have one service that merges customer data from a database into the invoice and another service that checks the inventory database to see if the items on the invoice are in stock.
invoice     [ˈinvɔis]     n. 发货单    发&&票
inventory   [ˈinvəntəri] n 详细目录, 存货清单
stock       [stɔk] n (商店的)现货, 存货

5.Because each service stands alone, services can be used as building blocks
building block n (儿童游戏用的)积木

6.This modular approach allows you to create functionality once and re-use it as many times as needed,
modular [ˈmɔdjulə] adj 模的,有标准组件的
approach [əˈprəutʃ] n    方式, 方法

7.Designing your system is both an art and a science.

Decision Maker: such as CIO, Director of Software Architecture, or IT manager
Architect: responsible for designing the system
Business Analyst: responsible for designing the business processes
Developer: responsible for customizing or extending Mule
Integration Developer: responsible for wiring everything together
Administrator: responsible for maintaining Mule

9.Terracotta is an open source JVM clustering technology. It is able to replicate the state of your components across JVMs.
clustering [ˈklʌstəriŋ] n 集群技术
replicate   [ˈreplikeit] vt 复制; 重复
