Error code 0x80246017 when trying to download new


I am trying to download the newest preview build, but when I press "Download Now" the error code "0x80246017" appears with the message "Failed to download the new preview build, please try again later. 0x80246017". I am on the x64 version of the Technical Preview.

Error code 0x80246017 when trying to download new_第1张图片

Hey everyone,

****January 23rd - I updated the registry keys needed to the January Tech Preview Build below.This should have been updated by a Windows Update, but if you modified they values you can set them to the correct targetting by validating the below registry keys.

I wanted to let you know changing these registry keys around will prevent you from getting Windows 10 Technical Preview Builds!!!!

You will want to change the registry keys back to values that the public update servers will recognize and give you newer builds as they become publicly available for Windows Insiders.

If you did change the registry keys a refresher on what they should be is as follows: 
    BranchName = FBL_AWESOME1501
    ThresholdRiskLevel = low
    ThresholdInternal = <should not exist>
    ThresholdOptedIn = <should not exist>

You can use these commands from and Admin Command prompt (Windows Key + X, select Command Prompt (Admin))

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "BranchName" /d "FBL_AWESOME1501" /t REG_SZ /f
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "ThresholdRiskLevel" /d "low" /t REG_SZ /f
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "ThresholdInternal" /f
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "ThresholdOptedIn" /f

Background: By changing these registry keys you do affect the builds that get targeted to your PC; unfortunately you won’t be able to get any of these builds unless you are a Microsoft Employee and have access to our internal network. But don’t worry we are working on new builds to send out to the Windows Insiders!

TJ Rhoades

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