1. 创建提示框:
Tkx::tk___messageBox(-type => "yesno", -message => "Are you sure you want to install SuperVirus?", -icon => "question", -title => "Install" );
ok (default) "ok"
okcancel "ok" or "cancel"
yesno "yes" or "no"
yesnocancel "yes", "no" or "cancel"
retrycancel "retry" or "cancel"
abortretryignore "abort", "retry" or "ignore"
message: 提示框上显示的内容
detail: 用小一号字体显示的详细内容
title: 对话框的标题,Mac OS X不可用.
icon: 对话框的图标:"info" (default), "error", "question"和"warning".
default: 指定默认focus的按钮
parent: 提示框窗口的父窗口,居中显示在父窗口上
2. 文件对话框很简单直接:
$filename = Tkx::tk___getOpenFile(); $filename = Tkx::tk___getSaveFile(); $dirname = Tkx::tk___chooseDirectory();
3. 窗口居中:从OverStack上Copy下来的函数,个人验证还是存在一些问题,并不是完全居中。
sub CenterWindow { # Args: (0) window to center # (1) [optional] desired width # (2) [optional] desired height my ($window, $width, $height) = @_; Tkx::update('idletasks'); $width ||= Tkx::winfo('reqwidth', $window); $height ||= Tkx::winfo('reqheight', $window); my $x = int((Tkx::winfo('screenwidth', $window) / 2) - ($width / 2)); my $y = int((Tkx::winfo('screenheight', $window) / 2) - ($height / 2)); $window->g_wm_geometry($width . "x" . $height . "+" . $x . "+" . $y); }
4. Frame
my $mw = Tkx::widget->new("."); my $content = $mw->new_ttk__frame(-padding => "3 3 12 12");
5. 标签
my $hi = $content->new_ttk__label(-text => "Hi!");
6. 复选框,注意关联的变量是不同的
my $one = $content->new_ttk__checkbutton(-text => "One", -variable => \$option_one, -onvalue => 1); my $two = $content->new_ttk__checkbutton(-text => "Two", -variable => \$option_two, -onvalue => 1); my $three = $content->new_ttk__checkbutton(-text => "Three", -variable => \$option_three, -onvalue => 1);
7. 单选框,关联变量是同一个
my $display1 = $content->new_ttk__radiobutton(-text => "Display 1", -variable => \$display, -value => "DISPLAY1"); my $display2 = $content->new_ttk__radiobutton(-text => "Display 2", -variable => \$display, -value => "DISPLAY2");
8. 下拉列表框
my $combo = $content->new_ttk__combobox(-textvariable => \$city, -state => "readonly"); $combo->configure(-values => "Chengdu Shanghai");
-state参数表明下拉列表框是不可编辑的,只能选择。列表的值通过configure -values设置,空格作为每个选择项的分隔符。
9. 按钮
my $ok = $content->new_ttk__button(-text => "Okay", -command => sub { #... });
10. 布局,每个控件都可以调用g_grid来通过网格进行布局。
$combo->g_grid(-column => 0, -row => 5, -columnspan => 3, -sticky => "ew", -pady => 10); $content->g_grid_columnconfigure(1, -weight => 3); $content->g_grid_rowconfigure(1, -weight => 1); $content->g_pack;