
$connection = Yii::app()->db;

$sql = “SELECT * FROM project ORDER BY id DESC”;
$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);
$result = $command->queryAll();

$db = Yii::app()->db; //you have to define db connection in config/main.php

$sql = “select sum(if(starttime>'09:00:00',1,0)) as late,
sum(if(endtime<'18:00:00',1,0)) as early
from present where userid=:userid and date between :date_start and :date_end”
$results = $db->createCommand($sql)->query(array(
':userid' => 115,':date_start'=>'2009-12-1',':date_end'=>'2009-12-31',
foreach($results as $result){
echo $result['late'],” and “,$result['early'],” /n”;

$sql = “select sum(if(starttime>'09:00:00',1,0)) as late,

sum(if(endtime<'18:00:00',1,0)) as early
from present where userid=115 and date between '2009-12-1' and '2009-12-31'”
$results = $db->createCommand($sql)->query();
foreach($results as $result){
echo $result['late'],” and “,$result['early'],” /n”;

$oDbConnection = Yii::app()->db; // Getting database connection (config/main.php has to set up database
// Here you will use your complex sql query using a string or other yii ways to create your query
$oCommand = $oDbConnection->createCommand('SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE myAttr = :myValue');
// Bind the parameter
$oCommand->bindParam(':myValue', $myValueThatCameFromPostOrAnywereElse, PDO::PARAM_STR);

$oCDbDataReader = $oCommand->queryAll(); // Run query and get all results in a CDbDataReader

