
Cubieboard1的内核已经支持w1温度传感器DS18B20 (依赖的内核选项和模块包括dallas's 1-wire support, gpio_sunxi, w1_sunxi, w1_gpio, w1_slave_therm )。 下图的DIY是在8位8段LED显示模块上同时显示当前时间和气温的实验。





  • [gpio_para]

  • gpio_used = 1

  • gpio_num = 31

  • ...

  • gpio_pin_28 = port:PB10<0><default><default><0> 

  • gpio_pin_29 = port:PB11<1><default><default><default>

  • gpio_pin_30 = port:PB13<1><default><default><default>

  • gpio_pin_31 = port:PH07<1><default><default><default>

  • [w1_para]

  • gpio = 28

[color=rgb(46, 166, 255) !important] 复制代码

  • #include <stdio.h>

  • #include <stdlib.h>

  • #include <string.h>

  • #include <time.h>

  • #include <signal.h>

  • #include <pthread.h>

  • #include "gpio_lib.h"

  • #define LSBFIRST 0

  • #define MSBFIRST 1

  • #define  DISPBUF_LEN 8

  • typedef unsigned char byte;

  • // w1-thermal(DS18B20) device file, change it in your case.

  • const char* DS18B20_DEVICE="/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000004f0230d/w1_slave";

  • /*

  • * 74HC595 relative stuff

  • */

  • // Cubieboard pin connected to ST_CP of 74HC595 (RCK)

  • unsigned int latchPin = SUNXI_GPB(11);

  • // Cubieboard pin connected to SH_CP of 74HC595 (SCK)

  • unsigned int clockPin = SUNXI_GPB(13);

  • // Cubieboard pin connected to DS of 74HC595 (DIN)

  • unsigned int dataPin = SUNXI_GPH(7);

  • /*

  • * Display relative stuff

  • */

  • // Digits: "0,1,2,....,9" for common anode 8-segment-LED

  • unsigned int digit_tab[] = { 0xc0, 0xf9, 0xa4, 0xb0, 0x99, 0x92,

  •                         0x82, 0xf8, 0x80, 0x90};

  • // Digits with a 'dot' at the right-bottom corner

  • unsigned int digitdot_tab[] = { 0xc0&0x7f, 0xf9&0x7f, 0xa4&0x7f,

  •                         0xb0&0x7f, 0x99&0x7f, 0x92&0x7f, 0x82&0x7f,

  •                         0xf8&0x7f, 0x80&0x7f, 0x90&0x7f};

  • // Symbols: 'clear', 'dot', '-'

  • unsigned int symbol_tab[]={ 0xff, 0x7f, 0xbf};

  • // LED display buffer

  • static char dispbuf[DISPBUF_LEN];

  • /**

  • * Set Cubieboard's GPIO port-D pin I/O mode: INPUT/OUTPUT

  • */

  • void pinMode(unsigned int pin, unsigned int io_mode)

  • {

  •     if (SETUP_OK != sunxi_gpio_set_cfgpin(pin, io_mode))

  •     {

  •         printf("Failed to config GPIO pin\n");

  •     }

  • }

  • /**

  • * Set Cubieboard's GPIO port-D pin value(LOW/HIGH)

  • */

  • void digitalWrite(int pin, int hl)

  • {

  •     if (sunxi_gpio_output(pin, hl))

  •     {

  •         printf("Failed to set GPIO pin value\n");

  •     }

  • }

  • /**

  • * Arduino shiftOut:

  • * ... uino/wiring_shift.c

  • */

  • void shiftOut(unsigned int dataPin, unsigned int clockPin, int bitOrder, byte val)

  • {

  •     byte i;

  •     for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)

  •     {

  •         if (bitOrder == LSBFIRST)

  •             digitalWrite(dataPin, ! !(val & (1 << i)));

  •         else

  •             digitalWrite(dataPin, ! !(val & (1 << (7 - i))));

  •         digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH);

  •         digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);

  •     }

  • }

  • /**

  • * Initialize the GPIO & relative pins

  • */

  • void init_gpio()

  • {

  •     if (SETUP_OK != sunxi_gpio_init())

  •     {

  •         printf("Failed to initialize GPIO\n");

  •     }

  •     pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);

  •     pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);

  •     pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);

  • }

  • /**

  • * Get current temperature from the w1-thermal device

  • */

  • void get_temperature(char* tempbuf, int len)

  • {

  •     FILE* fp=fopen(DS18B20_DEVICE,"r");

  •     char* line=NULL;

  •     char* temperature_tok=NULL;

  •     int temperature=0;

  •     int n;

  •     if(!fp){

  •         fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open device(%s) file!\n", DS18B20_DEVICE);

  •         return;

  •     }

  •     // skip the first line

  •     getline(&line, &n, fp);

  •     free(line);

  •     line=NULL;

  •     // get the temperature line

  •     getline(&line, &n, fp);

  •     strtok(line,"=");

  •     temperature_tok=strtok(NULL,"\n");

  •     strncpy(tempbuf, temperature_tok, len);

  •     free(line);

  •     fclose(fp);

  • }

  • /**

  • * Thread of filling the time infomation into display buffer

  • */

  • void* time_to_dispbuf()

  • {

  •     time_t timep;

  •     struct tm *p;

  •     char timebuf[4];

  •     int interval=1; // in seconds

  •     while(1){

  •         // get localtime

  •         time(&timep);

  •         p = localtime(&timep);

  •         sprintf(timebuf, "%02d%02d", p->tm_hour, p->tm_min);

  •         dispbuf[0]=digit_tab[timebuf[0] - '0'];

  •         dispbuf[1]=digitdot_tab[timebuf[1] - '0'];

  •         dispbuf[2]=digit_tab[timebuf[2] - '0'];

  •         dispbuf[3]=digit_tab[timebuf[3] - '0'];

  •         dispbuf[4]=symbol_tab[2]; // '-'

  •         sleep(interval);

  •     }

  • }

  • /**

  • * Thread of filling the temperature into display buffer

  • */

  • void* temp_to_dispbuf()

  • {

  •     char tempbuf[3];

  •     int interval=5; // in seconds;

  •     while(1){

  •         get_temperature(tempbuf, sizeof tempbuf);

  •         dispbuf[5]=digit_tab[tempbuf[0]-'0'];

  •         dispbuf[6]=digitdot_tab[tempbuf[1]-'0'];

  •         dispbuf[7]=digit_tab[tempbuf[2]-'0'];

  •         sleep(interval);

  •     }

  • }

  • int main(int argc, char **argv)

  • {

  •     pthread_t get_time_thread, get_temp_thread;

  •     void * thread_ret;

  •     init_gpio();

  •     pthread_create( &get_time_thread, NULL, time_to_dispbuf, NULL);

  •     pthread_create( &get_temp_thread, NULL, temp_to_dispbuf, NULL);

  •     while (1)

  •     {

  •         int i;

  •         for(i=0;i<DISPBUF_LEN;i++){

  •             digitalWrite(latchPin, 0);

  •             shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, 1<<i);

  •             shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, dispbuf);

  •             digitalWrite(latchPin, 1);

  •             usleep(2000);

  •         }

  •     }

  •     pthread_join(get_time_thread,&thread_ret);

  •     pthread_join(get_temp_thread,&thread_ret);

  •     return 0;

  • }

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