How to solve WAMP localhost 500 internal error

今天手贱杀毒选择了自动处理,结果把我的mysql的一个文件被360当做木马处理了!!导致我WAMPSERVER无法启动,mysql数据库也无法连接,你妹。重装mysql后,WAMPSERVER 还是无法启动,重装,结果访问localhost出现 500 internal error。你妹,搞了半天说句实话,baidu不给力,google虽然是好是坏,但是解决问题还是要靠google。
在一个国外的论坛上发现类似问题。1中方法是删除 .htaccess文件,但是删除后其他类似localhost/post/admin回报404错误。
第二种也是比较好的一种,应该是我以前装WAMPSERVER的时候设置过不过忘了。就是在Apache server的httpd.conf文件中
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/    去掉前面的(#),重启服务,就可以工作了。

I found a solution for WAMP users. They unusually need to enable the mod_rewrite for their Apache server. In the httpd.conf find "LoadModule rewrite_module modules/" and remove the pound (#) from the beginning of the site. Save the file and restart WAMP. Add the .htaccess file changes for the WordPress network. Refresh and it should work.

From what I read, some need to change   AllowOverride none   in the httpd.conf to   AllowOverride all   as well. I hope this helps.

