

1. 我有一个移动光驱,插在MBP 2015上不识别,ubuntu12.04就能识别~
2. 我还有一个2T的移动硬盘, 发现在mac上只能读不能写(后来花了$20买了paragon ntsf for mac才弄好),而ubuntu12.04默认就能读写ntfs~ 

1. 先去http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04下载最新的ios文件。。
2. 执行md5sum ubuntu-14.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso确认下载的文件是完好无损的。
3. 要刻录DVD光盘,使用ubuntu自带的brasero就可以!
4. Brasero刻录光盘的时候一共有5个选项,选最后一个('Burn image')
5. 制作引导光盘的时候不要选默认的max speed,越慢越好,我选择的是8倍速




To create a DVD from which to install an up-to-date copy of Ubuntu, you first need to download a copy of the latest version. Once you’ve done so, you can create your installation DVD. The procedure may differ slightly depending on which version of Ubuntu you are currently using.

  1. 1

    Insert a blank CD into your burner. A 'CD/DVD Creator', 'Choose Disc Type' or 'Blank Disc' window might pop up. Close this, because we will not be using it.

  2. 2

    Look for the downloaded ISO file in the file browser.

  3. 3

    Right click on the ISO file and choose 'Write to Disc'.

  4. 4

    Where it says 'Write disc to', you might have options such as 'File image' as well as your CD drive. Choose your CD drive. Your CD drive might show as something like 'BD-MLT UJ-210S'.

  5. 5

    Select the write speed. If you are burning an Ubuntu Live CD (one that you may want to start your computer up from), it is recommended that you write at the lowest possible speed.

  6. 6

    Start the burning process.

  7. 7

    After burning is completed, verify that your CD contains multiple files and folders and not just the ISO file. This way you will know the process was completed correctly.
