Writing a SlackBuild script

Setting up build environment

   /home/slackware: The Slackware home directory which is owned by the "packger" group( which root and

user account are the members on the local system.

    /home/slackware/source: which places the whole slackware-source.

    /home/slackware/source/myslackware: This is where puts all packages.

   /home/slackware/source/myslackware/<package> In this directory we build our package

    /home/slackware/packages: where puts all built packages.

Getting started

    Beginning the process of building package with SlackBuild script.

    For this example, we will create a package of latex2html which made website home page.

    creating the directory named <build_environment>/latex2html, getting the most

recent source code release of latex2html and placing it in this directory.

    mkdir <build-environment>/latex2html

    cd <build-environment>/latex2html

 wget http://www.latex2html.org/~latex2ht/current/latex2html-2002-2-1.tar.gz

    touch latex2html.SlackBuild

    touch slack-desc

    Extracting the source code, because we need to look at configure script and late to determine what options we need to pass to it.

    Writing the SlackBuild script

        Initial Setup

            First specifying the interpreter

            #!/bin/sh -e  ('e' option tells shell exit on any error.

            # <you name> revision date yyyy/mm/dd

            # Set initial variables :


            if [ "$TMP" == " " ]; then

               TMP = /tmp


            # The version which appears in the application's filename

            VERSION = 2012-1-2

        # If the version conflicts with the Slackware package standard
        # The dash character ("-") is not allowed in the VERSION string
        # You can set the PKG_VERSION to something else than VERSION
        PKG_VERSION=2002.2.1 # the version which appears in the package name.

        ARCH=${ARCH:-i486} #The architecture on where your package will biuld
        #First digit is the build number. which specifies how many times it has been built,
        #Second string is the short form of authors name, typically three initilas: w
        BUILD=${BUILD: - 1_dvp}
        #The Application's name
        #The installation directory of the package
        #Set SLKCFLAGS, if use old version gcc less than 3.4.x, needing "-mcpu" instead of "mtune"

          if [ "$ARCH" = "i486" ]; then

                SLKCFLAGS = "-02 -match=i486 -mtune=i686"

          elif [ "$ARCH = "x86_64" ]; then

                SLCKFLAGS = "-02 -fPIC"


        #Exract the source file

        #Deleting the leftover directories id there exists

        rm -fr  $PKG

        mkdir -p $TMP $PKG

        rm -fr $TMP/$APP-$VERSION

        #Change to the $TMP directory

        cd $TMP || exit 1

        #Extract the application source file in TMP

        tar -xzvf $CWD/$APP-$VERSION.tar.gz

        # Change to the Application directory

        cd $APP-$VERSION || exit 1

        chown -R root:root  .

        chmod u+x, go+r-w, a-s .

        #Set configure options

        #If your app  is writen in C++, you will also add line about CXXFLAGS


        ./configure \

        --prefix=/usr \

        --sysconfdir=/etc \

        --localstatedir=/var \

        --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl \

        --enable-eps \

        --enable-gif \

        --enable-png \

        --build=$ARCH-slackware-linux \

        --host=$BUILD-slackware-linux \

        #Compile the source and exit when go wrong

        make || exit

        #Installing everything into the package directory, but exit if go wrong

        make install $PKG || exit


        # Install software documentation

        #Create the directory to stored the documentation

        mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$APP-$VERSION

        #Copy documentation to docs directory and change the permission


        find $PKG/usr/doc/$APP-$VERSION -type  f -exec chmod 644  {} \;

        #We can also place the *.SlackBuild script to the directory

        cat $CWD/$APP.SlackBuild > $PKG/usr/doc/$APP.SlackBuild

        #Create the ./install directory and place the slack-desc in this directory

        mkdir -p $PKG/install

        cp $CWD/slack-desc $PKG/install/slack-desc

        #And doinst.sh to the directory if it exits

        if [ -e doinst.sh.gz ]; then

            zcat $CWD/doinst.sh.gz > $PKG/install/doinst.sh


# Strip some libraries and binaries
( cd $PKG
  find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null
  find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null

# Compress man pages if they exist
if [ -d $PKG/usr/man ]; then
 ( cd $PKG/usr/man
 find . -type f -exec gzip -9 {} \;
 for i in $(find . -type l) ; do ln -s $(readlink $i).gz $i.gz ; rm $i ; done

# Compress info pages if they exist (and remove the dir file)
if [ -d $PKG/usr/info ]; then
 gzip -9 $PKG/usr/info/*.info
 rm -f $PKG/usr/info/dir

Build the Package

# Build the package
cd $PKG
/sbin/makepkg -l y -c n $TMP/$APP-$PKG_VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz
