Alpha 2 treepanel rootVisible:false bug - Ext JS

as above,

when declaring treepanel, if u set rootVisible:false, gives problems.....

  # 2  
02-25-2007, 02:07 PM
What problem exactly?


I'm using treepanel through all the series from 0.33 to 1.0a2rev3 without problems in IE6, FF2, Opera9. How your problem demonstrate?

EDIT: of course i'm using it with rootVisible:false...
  # 3  
02-25-2007, 02:22 PM

var tree = new Tree.TreePanel('tree-div', {
        loader: new Tree.TreeLoader({dataUrl:'data.php'}),
        containerScroll: true,
also have another problem (worked in alpha 1, not now:

tree.on('load', function(){ 
		var f = tree.getNodeById("fechas");
		if(f) {f.expand()};
above doesn?t work either...... downloaded alpha2 10 min ago...

Thanks and Regards
  # 4  
02-25-2007, 02:29 PM
Maybe something with the loader

Possibly it is something with the

loader: new Tree.TreeLoader({dataUrl:'data.php'}),
then. I'm not using Exts loaders or "loadxml" calls... Constructing the treepanel programatically using _menuNode.appendChild works even with the root hidden.
  # 5  
02-25-2007, 02:40 PM

noting wrong with the loader....

if u try with Jack example, add
into reorder.html example, it will break....

  # 6  
02-25-2007, 02:56 PM

I think the example has a loader too / that said I was thinking not your loader has a problem but treeloader as general has a problem - which I can't confirm.

But tree/treepanel without an "loader" works without root visible very well for me and never had a bug in these fast-changing times
  # 7  
02-25-2007, 03:23 PM

The image organizer uses rootVisible:false and works fine. If you want help, you need to include more info than "it's broken".
  # 8  
02-25-2007, 03:30 PM


in your example reorder.js just replace with following, and you'll see there is a prob...

var tree = new Tree.TreePanel('tree-div', {
        loader: new Tree.TreeLoader({dataUrl:'get-nodes.php'}),
        containerScroll: true,
  # 9  
02-26-2007, 02:26 AM

Hi Jack.

I have the same problem.
If I set rootVisible:false it break, but with rootVisible:true it works.

This is from Firebug:
this.dom has no properties
_6("x-tree-node-loading")ext-all.js (line 20)
_6("x-tree-node-loading")ext-all.js (line 20)
TreeNodeUI("x-tree-node-loading")ext-all.js (line 134)
TreeNodeUI()ext-all.js (line 134)
AsyncTreeNode(false, false, undefined)ext-all.js (line 132)
TreeNode(undefined)ext-all.js (line 130)
TreePanel()ext-all.js (line 126)
(no name)()TreeOutline (line 39)
Observable()ext-all.js (line 16)
EventManager()ext-all.js (line 18 )
[Break on this error] (function(){var D=Ext.lib.Dom;var E=Ext.lib.Event;var A=Ext.lib.Anim;var _4={};v...
// Johan
  # 10  
02-26-2007, 08:36 AM

Thanks Jack...

Works great in revision 5.
