

Extracting a new method


In this section, you will improve the code of the constructor of junit.framework.TestSuite. To make the intent of the code clearer, you will extract the code that collects test cases from base classes into a new method called collectInheritedTests.    

  1. In the junit.framework/TestSuite.java file, select the following range of code inside the TestSuite(Class) constructor:      

    Class superClass= theClass;        
    Vector names= new Vector();          
    while(Test.class.isAssignableFrom(superClass)) {          
      Method[] methods= superClass.getDeclaredMethods();          
      for (int i= 0; i < methods.length; i++) {          
        ddTestMethod(methods[i],names, theClass);          
      superClass= superClass.getSuperclass();          

  2. From the selection's context menu in the editor, select Refactor > Extract Method....      
    在选中的范围内右键选择Refactor > Extract Method…菜单。      


  3. In the Method Name field, type collectInheritedTests.      
    在弹出对话框的Method Name栏输入collectInheritedTests      


  4. To preview the changes, press Preview>.The preview page displays the changes that will be made. Press OK to extract the method.      
    点击Preview>按钮预览更改,预览完,点击OK 按钮提取方法。      


  5. Go to the extracted method by selecting it in the Outline view.    
