darwin streaming server 6.0.3 ubuntu setup

hursday, April 28, 2011 4:16:51 AM

Video Streaming has gained lot of popularity these days and there are very few Open Source Streaming server available that can give Audio/Video Streaming. Once such streaming server is Apple based Darwin Streaming Server. The advantage that Darwin gives you it can stream 3gp files that is one of widely video format used that to over RTSP protocol. In this article we will learn how to install Darwin Streaming Server on linux.

Installing Darwin Streaming Server
* The first step for any installation is the source code, the source code can be downloaded from Darwin Streaming Server the latest version available is 6.0.3.

* Now we need to untar the Source code by executing following command: tar xf DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source.tar. This
will create directory “DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source”.

* Now we need to compile and install the Darwin from source but before that we will have to patch the existing source code
files and update the existing Install file. To do that you will have to copy the dsshh-20080728-1.patch, dss-6.0.3.patch and
Install file inside the DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source.

* Please rename the patch files by removing .txt extension and rename Install.txt to Install.sh

* Execute the following command from DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source folder,
* patch -p1 < dss-6.0.3.patch
* patch -p1 < dss-hh-20080728-1.patch

* Now we need to add groups and users for Darwin Streaming Server. For that type below command from command prompt
* sudo groupadd qtss and sudo useradd qtss -g qtss

* Execute ./Buildit from console to build the project, this will create server binary in DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source
directory, along with some other binaries in some other subdirectories.

* After successful build we need to Install the Darwin Streaming Server. To Install: run sudo ./Install (You must be logged in as
root to install Darwin Streaming Server).
- During installation, it will ask: "Please enter a new administrator user name:" - type in some user name
- It will ask "Please enter a new administrator Password:" - type in some admin password
- After installation, DSS writes its binaries and files to various locations.

>>Starting Darwin Server:
* Type following command “cd /usr/local/sbin/DarwinStreamingServer”. You should have root access to execute this command.
* 2 processes will run – the first one runs as root, and forks the main server as qtss. While doing a ps aux | grep Darwin, the
one with the higher process id is the forked server process. If it crashes or gets killed, the other one immediately respawns
* Need to start the admin panel for Darwin Streaming Server that can be started by calling following command, /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/sbin/streamingadminserver.pl

>>Stopping Darwin Streaming Server:
* Type ps -aef | grep Darwin
* You will see 2 server processes running. Kill both the 2 server processes.

>>Testing Your Darwin Streaming Server Installation:
* Ensure that Darwin Streaming Server is running by calling ps -aef | grep Darwin
* Goto Web Browser and type  http://localhost:1220  . This is the admin interface for Darwin Streaming Server running on port

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