
Barnes & Noble 与 Microsoft 的法律之争 进一步加剧。B&N为抗衡微软专利,提交了一份先有技术材料。 B&N正试图证明,三星,HTC,以及其他受微软勒索保护费组织侵害的公司,是可以简单而又快速地进行抗衡的—— 一份43页的先有技术材料[pdf],援引了昔日的网景浏览器、GNU Emacs等种种相关资料,足以说明一切。如果B&N能创造如此一份不朽的先有技术列表材料,三星和HTC又有何不可呢?那结果真是太了不起了!

BNobleITC-676372-464213.pdf (106.76 KB, 下载次数: 0)

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Barnes & Noble Files 43 Pages of Prior Art to Microsoft Patents
posted by Thom Holwerda on Sat 19th Nov 2011 00:10 UTC
The legal(法律的) fire between Barnes & Noble and Microsoft is flaring(扩口) up even more. B&N has filed a compilation(编辑) or prior(优先的) art to Microsoft's patents(专利权). B&N is proving just how easily and quickly Samsung, HTC, and other buckled(扣住) to Microsoft's protection racket: we're talking 43 (!) pages of prior art, drawing from things like old Netscape releases, GNU Emacs, and much more. If B&N can create such a monumental(不朽的) list of prior art, why didn't Samsung or HTC? Amazing.       
