
Linux.com 报告了 来自软件测试数据统计与分析公司Coverity 的最新缺陷统计。“2011年,在Linux 2.6 被扫描的6,849,378 行代码中,4,261 个突出缺陷被检测出,1,283 个已被修复。Linux 2.6 缺陷密度为 .62;PHP 5.3 为 .20,PostgreSQL 9.1为 .21。需要注意的是,PHP 5.3 的代码量——537,871 代码行——只是Linux 2.6 的沧海一粟;而PostgreSQL 9.1 也只有1,105,634 行代码。”


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Why Linux Is a Model Citizen of Quality Code (Linux.com)
[Development] Posted Feb 24, 2012 22:51 UTC (Fri) by corbet
Linux.com reportson the latest defect statistics from Coverity. "With 6,849,378 linesof Linux 2.6 code scanned, 4,261 outstanding defects were detected and1,283 were fixed in 2011. The defect density of Linux 2.6 is .62, comparedto .20 for PHP 5.3 and .21 for PostgreSQL 9.1. Keep in mind that thecodebase for PHP 5.3 — 537,871 lines of code — is a fraction of that ofLinux 2.6, and PostgreSQL 9.1 has 1,105,634 lines of code."   
