Lib-Ray 视频标准:使用Google/On2 的VP8 视频编解码

“当我开始着手一个用于发布固定媒体(‘Lib-Ray’)上高分辨率视频的非DRM(数字版权管理)、基于开放标准的解决方案之时,我自然地想到的是 Theora,因为它有着自由软件项目的背景。不过,有几个人建议,VP8编解码可能更加适合我的应用。这个月,我终于将必要的vpxtools 和mkvtoolnix包安装在了我的Debian系统上;于是, VP8的第一印象开始了。结果很符合我的期望,虽然工具还相当繁琐。”

Lib-Ray 视频标准:使用Google/On2 的VP8 视频编解码_第1张图片

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Lib-Ray video standard: using Google/On2's VP8 video codec
posted by David Adams on Fri 20th Apr 2012 01:31 UTC, submitted by fsmag
"When I started working on a no-DRM, open-standards-based solution for distributing high-definition video on fixed media ('Lib-Ray'), I naturally thought of Theora, because it was developed as a free software project. Several people have suggested, though, that the VP8 codec would be a better fit for my application. This month, I've finally gotten the necessary vpxtools and mkvtoolnix packages installed on my Debian system, and so I'm having a first-look at VP8. The results are very promising, though the tools are somewhat finicky."       

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