GNU Hurd季状态报告

GNU Hurd Quarterly Status Teport
GNU Hurd季状态报告
posted by Thom Holwerda on Wed 13th Jul 2011 07:29 UTC, submitted by Gregory
发表于:2011年7月13日 北京时间15:29

The Hurd is still doing its thing. "Jeremie Koenig started working on his Google Summer of Code project: bringing not only Java to the Hurd, but also fixing or adding missing parts in the Hurd's components along the way. For example, he already contributed a set of signal handling improvements. Samuel Thibault created the first Debian GNU/Hurd CD set with a graphical installer. You can dowload it at the usual place for Debian CD images."
Hurd(GNU Hurd 是一系列基于GNU Mach或者L4微内核的守护进程,这一套守护进程最终形成了GNU操作系统) 仍在奋战之中。“Jeremie Koenig开始了他在 谷歌夏之代码(Google Summer of Code)项目:不仅将Java带进了Hurd,还修正或增加了Hurd组建缺失的部分。比如,他已经贡献了 一系列信号处理提升。Samuel Thibault 创建了首个带有图形化安装界面的Debian GNU/Hurd CD集。你可以 在常规地址下载Debian CD镜像。

GNU Hurd季状态报告_第1张图片

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