Google Dart 问世:再见,JavaScript

“ Google发布了 Dart——一个为简化Web应用开发而设计的新语言——的一个早期版本。不过,尽管它是对 JavaScript 的进化版,Dart 要被接受仍然困难重重。

Google Dart 问世:再见,JavaScript_第1张图片
Google aims Dart at "the Visual Basic of the Web"
Google对Dart的期望:“Web上的Visual Basic”

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Google Dart Unveiled: Farewell, JavaScript
posted by Thom Holwerda on Mon 10th Oct 2011 20:14 UTC, submitted by twitterfire
" Google has released an early version of Dart, a new programming language designed to take some of the pain out of developing applications for the Web. But while it's an evolutionary improvement on JavaScript, Dart faces a hard uphill battle for acceptance."

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