WIndows 7 安装vs2012提示.net framework 4.0 失败

WIndows 7 安装.net framework 4.0 失败,错误HRESULT 0xc8000222解决办法

之前装Viusal Stuido 2010 Ultim一直失败,而且等的时间特别长,在安装.net framework 4.0时就失败……

后来就单独安装.net framework 4.0,结果还是失败,出现HRESULT 0xc8000222错误代码,

1. Click Start, Run, type:

cmd and press Enter. Please run the following command in the opened window.

net stop WuAuServ

2. Click Start, Run, type: %windir% and press Enter.
3. In the opened folder, rename the folder SoftwareDistribution to SDold.
4. Click Start, Run, type: cmd and press Enter.

Please run the following command in the opened window.

net start WuAuServ

原来这个还和Windows Update有关系,给目录名重命名一下再次安装,即安装成功了!
