linux C++/C 动态链接库使用

 a) void *dlopen (const char *so_file_path, int open_mode)
  RTLD_LAZY: 只有当so文件里面的未定义的符号在真正使用的时候才去解析。
 b) void *dlsym (void *so_handle,const char *method_name)
 c) int dlclose (void *so_handle)
  这里要注意:如果在使用dlsym()返回的函数指针的时候调用了该方法,那么,肯定会出现Segment fault的错误,因为调用此方法之后,代表对so动态库的资源回收。
 d) char *dlerror (void)
 该实例的场景是:把student.cpp和teacher.cpp写成动态库的形式提供给callPlugin.cpp调用,如果再需要开发一个其他的类如:police.cpp,只需要按照有关约定编写好,再编译成动态库,则可不要更改任何应用程序的框架代码,即 实现了插件式开发。
 // base.h
 using namespace std; 
 class BasePeople;
 // 下面两个方法必须都用extern "C"进行修饰,这个主要是因为C++中的符号命名方法和C的不一样,具体可以查看有关资料
 // 在C++中,方法method(int a, float b)可能会被命名为:method_int_float,而在C++中则命名为:method
 // 这其实就是C++能支持函数重载,而C却不能的主要原因之一
 extern "C" BasePeople* create_BasePeople(const string & name, const int age);
 extern "C" void delete_BasePeople(BasePeople * pp);
 static const string __CREATE_OBJECT__ = "create_BasePeople";
 static const string __DELETE_OBJECT__ = "delete_BasePeople";
 class BasePeople{
   BasePeople(const string & name, const int age) : name_(name),age_(age){
    cout << "BasePeople's constructor invoked" << endl;
   virtual ~BasePeople(){
    cout << "BasePeople's de-constructor invoked" << endl;
   virtual void speak() = 0;
   void test(){
    cout << "This is the test method!" << endl;
   int age_;
   string name_;
 2)student.cpp,该文件是class BasePeople的继承类,同时,该文件将被生成libstudent.so动态库,同时提供给callPlugin.cpp调用
 // student.cpp
 #include "base.h" 
 class student : public BasePeople{
   student(const string & name, const int age) : BasePeople(name,age)
    cout << "student's constructor invoked" << endl;
   virtual ~student(){
    cout << "student's de-constructor invoked" << endl;
   virtual void speak(){
    int i = 0;
    while(i < 10){
     cout << "I am a student, my name is " << this->name_ << ", and my age is " << this->age_ << endl;
     ++ i;
 // 动态库文件libstudent.so中必须包含有在base.h中申明的两个extern "C" 方法
 BasePeople* create_BasePeople(const string & name, const int age){
  //student* sd = new student(name,age);
  return new student(name,age);
 void delete_BasePeople(BasePeople * pp){
   delete pp;
 // teacher.cpp
 #include "base.h"
 class teacher : public BasePeople{
   teacher(const string & name, const int age) : BasePeople(name,age)
    cout << "teacher's constructor invoked" << endl;
    virtual ~teacher(){
    cout << "teacher's de-constructor invoked" << endl;
   virtual void speak(){
    int i = 0;
    while(i < 10){
     cout << "I am a teacher, my name is " << this->name_ << ", and my age is " << this->age_ << endl;
     ++ i;
 BasePeople* create_BasePeople(const string & name, const int age){
  //teacher* sd = new teacher(name,age);
  return new teacher(name,age);
 void delete_BasePeople(BasePeople * pp){
   delete pp;
 // callPlugin.cpp
 #include "base.h"
 #include <dlfcn.h>
 #include <pthread.h>
 class callPlugin{
  typedef BasePeople* ObjectPtr;
  typedef ObjectPtr (*createObjectPtr)(const string &, const int);
  typedef void (*deleteObjectPtr)(ObjectPtr);
   callPlugin(const string & soPath, const int openMode = RTLD_LAZY) : soPath_(soPath), openMode_(openMode){
    cout << "callPlugin constructor invoked!" << endl;
    cout << "callPlugin de-constructor invoked!" << endl;
   int excute(){
    void * pluginHandler = openPlugin();
     // 得到create_BasePeople方法的指针
     createObjectPtr createFunc = (createObjectPtr) dlsym(pluginHandler,__CREATE_OBJECT__.c_str());
     ObjectPtr people = NULL;
      people = createFunc("luoxiaoyi",23);
      cout << "callPlugin::excute() createFunc error :" << dlerror() << endl;
     // 得到delete_BasePeople方法的指针
     deleteObjectPtr deleteFunc = (deleteObjectPtr) dlsym(pluginHandler,__DELETE_OBJECT__.c_str());
      cout << "callPlugin::excute() deleteFunc error :" << dlerror() << endl;
     // 关闭pluginHandler,回收资源
     pluginHandler = NULL;
     cout << "callPlugin::excute() pluginHandler error :" << dlerror() << endl;
   // so动态库的路径,可以是绝对路径,也可以是相对路径
   string soPath_;
   // so动态库的打开模式RTLD_NOW,RTLD_LAZY
   int openMode_;
   * 调用dlopen,同时得到相关so文件的句柄
   void* openPlugin(){
    if(soPath_.size() < 1){
     cout << "plugin file[soPath=" << soPath_ << "] cannot be empty!" << endl;
     return NULL;
    if(openMode_ == RTLD_NOW || openMode_ == RTLD_LAZY)
     return dlopen(soPath_.c_str(),openMode_);
     return dlopen(soPath_.c_str(),RTLD_LAZY);
 // 供多线程调用的方法
 void* callFun(void *arg){
  callPlugin* cp = (callPlugin*) arg;
 /*************************************************** main() **********************************************/
 int main(){
  // 加载动态库
  callPlugin cp1("");        // ----------------------------->标记1
  callPlugin cp2("");   // ----------------------------->标记2
  // 创建新线程,用于调用libteacher.so的执行
  pthread_t thread;
  // 执行
  // 等待thread线程执行完毕
  return 0;
 g++ teacher.cpp -fPIC -shared -o /usr/local/cep/
 g++ student.cpp -fPIC -shared -o /usr/local/cep/
 g++ callPlugin.cpp base.cpp -o callPlugin -ldl -pthread
 c)没有root权限的情况,可以通过用环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH指定路径,但是这里要注意的是,不同的系统可能环境变量不一样,指定方法如:LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.;这样就把LD_LIBRARY_PATH指定为当前目录,然后使用export LD_LIBRARY_PATH命令即可。
 注意:添加了-c参数,即g++ -c那么很有可能出现only ET_DYN and ET_EXEC can be loaded错误,解决方法简单,去掉-c即可。
