PowerHA SystemMirror is a plug-in for IBM Systems Director that uses a web browser interface to manage PowerHA SystemMirror capabilities.PowerHA SystemMirror for IBM Systems Director, has the following functions:
■ Discover existing PowerHA SystemMirror clusters.
■ Collect information and a variety of reports about the state and configuration of applications and clusters.
■ Receive live and dynamic status updates for clusters, sites, nodes, and resource groups.
■ Single sign-on capability that you can use to have full access to all clusters with only one user ID and password.
■ Access and search log files.
■ Displays a summary page that you can view the overall status of all known clusters and resource groups.
■ Create clusters and add resource groups with wizards.
■ Apply updates to the PowerHA SystemMirror Agent using the Director Update Manager.
This article will show you how to Discover existing PowerHA SystemMirror by IBM Systems Director.Before,you must konw how to install IBM Systems Director from here and how to configure PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1 from here.
Installing PowerHA SystemMirror For IBM Systems Director On the server
From PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1 media,Extract IBMSystemsDirector-PowerHA_SystemMirror-7110-AIX.tar.gz to /tmp then run following command to install:
Preparing to install...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
Launching installer...
Make sure that your system has enough space.
Using default folder:
After click done,you must restart systems director:
Shutting down IBM Director...
Starting IBM Director...
The starting process may take a while. Please use smstatus to check if the server is active.
Access systems director by https://ip:8422/ibm/console
Discover existing PowerHA SystemMirror clusters
I have an existing cluster MySysMirror and running oracle database 11gR2 with two nodes:H144129 and H144130.
From main page click PowerHA SystemMirror Management
Click System Discovery to register both cluster nodes.After registered,you can see following feature:
MySysMirror Topology:
Current Resource Group:
For more information:
1.IBM PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1 for AIX
2.PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1 infocenter
3.IBM Systems Director V6.3.1 infocenter
本文出自 “candon123” 博客,谢绝转载!