Deploying OS Images

After completing this lab, you will be able to:
n  Install USMT 3.0 to capture and restore user state information.
n  Install a Configuration Manager State Migration Point to store user state information.
n  Create an Operating System Capture Disk.
n  Image a Windows Vista client computer.
n  Import the Windows Vista image into Configuration Manager as an OS image package.
n  Deploy the Windows Vista image to a Windows XP client computer.

Before You Beg

In this lab, one virtual computer is started as a primary site server running Configuration Manager (OSD Server VPC). A second virtual computer is running as a Windows Vista Configuration Manager client computer to be imaged (OSD Windows Vista VPC). The final virtual computer is a Windows XP Professional Configuration Manager client (OSD Windows XP VPC) to be upgraded to Windows Vista using the OS deployment feature of Configuration Manager 2007.
There are no requirements for any connections outside the VPC image, and as OSD requires DHCP, you must configure Virtual PC networking configuration to “Local only”.
The site code for the installed site is MCM.
Estimated time to complete this lab: 75 minutes

Exercise 0
Preparing the Virtual Computer Clients for the Lab

In this exercise, you will update the collection membership of the All Systems collection. When you do, you will see the SMS Client computer appear twice in the membership list. This is due to Virtual PC virtualizing the SMBios serial number of the host computer, which Configuration Manager detects as being different than the original SMBios serial number. Because of this, Configuration Manager generates a new GUID for the client, which causes a new record to be generated.
Complete this procedure from the primary site server computer only.
å To update the collection membership
1.     Log on as administrator with a password of password.
2.     On the Start menu, click ConfigMgr Console.
The Configuration Manager Console window appears.
3.     In the tree pane, expand Site Database, expand Computer Management, and then expand Collections.
The list of collections appears in the results pane.
4.     In the tree pane, click All Systems.
The members of the All Systems collection appear in the details pane. Notice that there are four members in the collection.
5.     In the Actions pane, click Update Collection Membership.
An All Systems message box appears prompting to update subcollection membership.
6.     Click OK, and then in the Actions pane, click Refresh.
The collection membership is updated, and the current membership of the All Systems collection is displayed. Notice that the SMSClient computer is now displayed twice. Notice also that one of the instances is listed as being Obsolete and inactive. This is the old reference of the client.
7.     In the details pane, click the obsolete record for the SMSClient computer, and then in the Actions pane, click Delete.
A Confirm Delete message box appears prompting to delete the record.
8.     Click Yes.
The collection membership is updated, and the current membership of the All Systems collection is displayed. Notice that the SMSClient computer is now displayed only once and it is an Active record (not Obsolete).
9.     Delete any other Obsolete records from the All Systems collection.
10. Update the collection membership for the All Windows XP Professional Systems collection.
This collection will be targeted for deployment later in this lab.
You have now prepared your images for the lab and may proceed to Exercise 1.

Exercise 1
Preparing the Environment for Configuration Manager OSD

In this exercise, you will prepare the Configuration Manager environment for deploying operating system images using OSD. You will begin by installing the User State Migration Tool version 3.0, which is used by Configuration Manager 2007 to back up and restore user state information.
Complete this exercise from the primary site server only.
å To install USMT 3.0
1.     Start C:\Lab Files\USMT30\InstallUsmt30_x86_2000andXP.exe.
The Software Update Installation Wizard dialog box appears.
2.     Click Next.
The Software Update Installation Wizard License Agreement dialog box appears.
3.     Click I Agree, and then click Next.
USMT 3.0 is installed. When complete, the Software Update Installation Wizard dialog box appears indicating the installation was successful.
4.     Click Finish.
5.     Share the C:\Program Files\USMT30 folder as USMT, and then grant administrators full control to the USMT share.
In the following procedure, you will create an account that will be used as the Network Access Account.
Complete this exercise from the site server computer (OSD Server VPC image).
å To create a user account to be assigned as the Network Access Account
1.     On the Start menu, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers.
The Active Directory Users and Computers window appears.
2.     Create a new user named NetworkAccess with a password of password and ensuring that the password does not have to be changed at next logon.
3.     Close Active Directory Users and Computers.
In the following procedure, you will configure the required Network Access Account in the Configuration Manager Console. This account is used by the client to access the Configuration Manager distribution point when booted under WinPE.
Complete this exercise from the primary site server with the Configuration Manager Console running and active.
å To create a Network Access Account
1.     If not already running, on the Start menu, click ConfigMgr Console.
The Configuration Manager Console window appears.
2.     In the tree pane, expand Site Database, expand Site Management, expand MCM, expand Site Settings, and then click Client Agents.
The list of client agents appears in the results pane.
3.     In the result pane, click Computer Client Agent, and then in the Actions pane, click Properties.
The Computer Client Agent Properties dialog box appears displaying general properties.
4.     After Network Access Account, click Set.
The Windows User Account dialog box appears prompting for the account and password to configure as the Advanced Client Network Access Account.
5.     In the Name box, type smsdomain\NetworkAccess
6.     In the Password and Confirm password boxes, type password and then click OK.
The Computer Client Agent Properties dialog box appears displaying properties for the Computer Client Agent.
7.     Click OK.
The Configuration Manager Console window appears.
In the following procedure, you will create the Configuration Manager package that OSD will use to install the Configuration Manager client after distributing the new operating system image.
Complete this exercise from the primary site server with the Configuration Manager Console running and active.
å To create a Configuration Manager Client installation package
1.     In the tree pane, expand Site Database, expand Computer Management, expand Software Distribution, and then click Packages.
The list of packages for the site appears in the results pane. Notice that there are no packages created at this point.
2.     In the Actions pane, click New, and then click Package From Definition.
The Create Package from Definition Wizard dialog box appears.
3.     Click Next.
The Create Package from Definition Wizard Package Definition dialog box appears allowing you to select the package definition file to use. Notice the default package definitions built into Configuration Manager 2007 include the Configuration Manager Client Upgrade package definition.
4.     Under Package definition, click Configuration Manager Client Upgrade, and then click Next.
The Create Package from Definition Wizard Source Files dialog box appears prompting for source file handling instructions.
5.     Click Always obtain files from a source directory, and then click Next.
The Create Package from Definition Wizard Source Directory dialog box appears allowing the designation of the source file directory.
6.     Click Local drive on site server, and then click Browse.
The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.
7.     Click C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Client, and then click OK.
The Create Package from Definition Wizard Source Directory dialog box displays the configured source directory.
8.     Click Next.
The Create Package from Definition Wizard Summary dialog box appears indicating the wizard is ready to create the package.
9.     Click Finish.
The wizard completes the package creation and then the Configuration Manager Console appears displaying the packages in the site. Notice that the Configuration Manager Client Upgrade package is displayed.
10. In the tree pane, expand Packages, expand Microsoft Configuration Manager Client Upgrade, and then click Microsoft Configuration Manager Advanced Client Upgrade.
The package objects appear in the tree pane.
11. In the tree pane, click Programs.
The programs for the package appear in the results pane. Notice that there is only one program for this package, that being a silent upgrade.
12. In the tree pane, click Distribution Points.
The distribution points for this package appear in the results pane. Notice that there are no distribution points assigned to this package yet.
13. In the Actions pane, click New Distribution Points.
The New Distribution Points Wizard window appears.
14. Click Next.
The New Distribution Points Wizard Copy Package dialog box appears displaying the list of distribution points for the package.
15. Under Distribution points, click SMS Server, and then click Next.
The New Distribution Points Wizard Wizard Completed dialog box appears indicating that the wizard was successfully completed.
16. Click Close.
The package is copied to the designated distribution point.
In the following procedure, you will create the Configuration Manager package that OSD will use to migrate user state while distributing the new operating system image.
Complete this exercise from the primary site server with the Configuration Manager Console running and active.
å To create a USMT package
1.     In the tree pane, expand Site Database, expand Computer Management, expand Software Distribution, and then click Packages.
The list of packages in the site appears in the results pane. Notice that there is no package created for USMT.
2.     In the Actions pane, click New, and then click Package.
The New Package Wizard General dialog box appears prompting for the package name.
3.     In the Name box, type USMT and then click Next.
The New Package Wizard Data Source dialog box appears allowing you to configure source files for the package.
4.     Click This package contains source files, and then click Set.
The Set Source Directory dialog box appears displaying the source file location.
5.     Click Local drive on site server, and then click Browse.
The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.
6.     Click C:\Program Files\Usmt30, and then click OK.
The Set Source Directory dialog box appears prompting for source file location.
7.     Click OK.
The New Package Wizard Data Source dialog box appears displaying the current configuration for the source files for the package.
8.     Click Next.
The New Package Wizard Data Access dialog box appears allowing configuration of the access to the package source files.
9.     Click Next to accept the default of the standard ConfigMgr package share.
The New Package Wizard Distribution Settings dialog box appears allowing configuration of the download of package source files to branch distribution points.
10. Click Next to accept the default to automatically download to branch distribution points and complete the wizard.
The New Package Wizard Reporting dialog box appears prompting for the values to use when matching status mif values.
11. Click Next to use the default package properties as the mif matching values.
The New Package Wizard Security dialog box appears prompting for security rights to be created for this package.
12. Click Next to use the default security rights.
The wizard completes the package creation and then the New Package Wizard Summary dialog box appears indicating the wizard completed the package creation.
13. Click Next.
The wizard completes the package creation and then the New Package Wizard Confirmation dialog box appears indicating the package creation was successful.
14. Click Close.
The Configuration Manager Console appears displaying the packages in the site. Notice that the USMT package is displayed in the list of packages.
15. In the tree pane, expand Packages, expand USMT, and then click USMT.
The package options appear in the tree pane.
16. In the tree pane, click Programs.
The programs for the package appear in the results pane. Notice that there are no programs created for the package. You do not need to configure a program for the USMT package.
17. In the tree pane, click Distribution Points.
The distribution points for this package appear in the results pane. Notice that there are no distribution points assigned to this package yet.
18. In the Actions pane, click New Distribution Points.
The New Distribution Points Wizard window appears.
19. Click Next.
The New Distribution Points Wizard Copy Package dialog box appears displaying the list of distribution points for the package.
20. Under Distribution points, click SMS Server, and then click Next.
The New Distribution Points Wizard Wizard Completed dialog box appears indicating that the wizard has completed successfully.
21. Click Close.
The package is copied to the designated distribution point.
In the following procedure, you will distribute the boot image package to a distribution point. The boot image is used to start the computer with WinPE for capturing the operating system image as well as prior to deploying the operating system image to a system.
Complete this exercise from the primary site server with the Configuration Manager Console running and active.
å To distribute the boot package
1.     In the tree pane, expand Site Database, expand Computer Management, expand Operating System Deployment, and then click Boot Images.
The list of boot images in the site appears in the results pane. Notice that there are two boot images for various platforms.
2.     In the tree pane, expand Boot Images, expand Boot image (x86), and then click Distribution Points.
The distribution points for this package appear in the results pane. Notice that there are no distribution points assigned to this boot image yet.
3.     In the Actions pane, click New Distribution Points.
The New Distribution Points Wizard window appears.
4.     Click Next.
The New Distribution Points Wizard Copy Package dialog box appears displaying the list of available distribution points for the boot image.
5.     Under Distribution points, click SMS Server, and then click Next.
The New Distribution Points Wizard Wizard Completed dialog box appears indicating that the wizard has completed successfully.
6.     Click Close.
The boot image is copied to the designated distribution point. As boot images are larger in size, it may take a couple minutes to completely distribute to the distribution point.
In the following procedure, you will create a State Migration Point for the site. The state migration point is used by USMT to store the state information during operating system image deployment.
Complete this exercise from the primary site server with the Configuration Manager Console running and active.
å To create a state migration point
1.     In the tree pane, expand Site Database, expand Site Management, expand MCM, expand Site Settings, and then click Site Systems.
The list of site systems configured for the site displayed in the results pane.
2.     In the tree pane, expand Site Systems, click SMSServer, and then in the Actions pane, click New Roles.
The New Site Role Wizard General dialog box appears.
3.     Click Next.
The New Site Role Wizard System Role Selection dialog box appears displaying the list of site system roles that can be assigned to this computer.
4.     Under Available roles, select State migration point, and then click Next.
The New Site Role Wizard State Migration Point dialog box appears allowing you to configure the state migration point.
5.     Click New (the icon resembles a starburst).
The Storage Folder dialog box appears allowing you to configure the drive to use to maintain the user state information. Notice that the default values of a maximum of 100 clients storing state on the state migration point, and the required minimum free disk space of 100 MB. Notice also that by default, state information is removed one day after successful restore.
6.     In the Storage folder box, type C:\Userstate and then click OK.
The New Site Role Wizard General dialog box appears displaying the current configuration of the state migration point.
7.     Click Next to accept the current configuration to remove the state after 1 day.
The New Site Role Wizard Summary dialog box appears indicating that you have successfully completed the wizard.
8.     Click Next.
The New Site Role Wizard Wizard Completed dialog box appears indicating that you have now configured the state migration point and it is currently being installed.
9.     Click Close.
The Configuration Manager Console window appears displaying the site systems for the computer. Notice that the state migration point role is now listed for the site system. It will take a minute to install the state migration point.

Exercise 2
Creating a Capture Media Task Sequence

In this exercise, you will create a task sequence that will be used to capture the Windows Vista client computer image.
Complete this exercise from the site server computer only in the Configuration Manager Console.
å To create the Capture Media task sequence
1.     In the tree pane, expand Site Database, expand Computer Management, and then expand Operating System Deployment.
The operating system deployment items appear in the tree pane.
2.     In the tree pane, click Task Sequences.
The task sequences for the site appear in the results pane. Notice that there are no task sequences yet. You need to create a task sequence that will allow you to capture an operating system image.
3.     In the Actions pane, click Create Task Sequence Media.
The Task Sequence Media Wizard Select Media Type window appears prompting for the type of task sequence media to create: either a standalone, bootable, or capture media type.
4.     Click Capture media, and then click Next.
The Task Sequence Media Wizard Media Type dialog box appears prompting for the type of media to create: either a USB flash drive or a CD/DVD.
5.     Verify that CD/DVD set is selected.
6.     In the Media file box, type C:\Capture.iso and then click Next.
The Task Sequence Media Wizard Boot Image dialog box appears prompting for the boot image to use.
7.     Click Browse.
The Select a Boot Image dialog box appears displaying the boot images available.
8.     Click Boot image (x86) and then click OK.
The Task Sequence Media Wizard Boot Image dialog box appears displaying the selected boot image and distribution point to use.
9.     Click Next.
The Task Sequence Media Wizard Summary dialog box appears indicating the wizard is complete and is ready to create the media.
10. Click Next.
The task sequence media is created. This process will take a couple of minutes to complete. When complete, a Task Sequence Media Wizard Wizard Completed dialog box appears indicating the media was successfully created.
11. Click Close.
The list of task sequence items appear in the tree pane. Notice that the process of creating a task sequence capture media does not create a task sequence in the Configuration Manager Console, but rather the .iso file.
12. Start Windows Explorer, and then display the contents of C:\.
The contents of the folder appear. Notice the Capture.iso file, which can now be burned to a CD for booting on computers to be imaged. In the lab, we will just use the .iso file without creating an actual CD.
In the following procedure, you will copy the OS Capture Media disk to your host computer so it can be accessed by the reference virtual computer.
å To copy the ISO file to the host computer
1.     Under the Start menu, right-click the icon that resembles a folder, and then click Share Folder.
The Browse for Folder dialog box appears.
2.     Under My Computer, click Local Disk (C:) and then click OK.
The local host’s drive C: is connected as drive Z: on the virtual computer.
3.     Copy C:\Capture.iso to Z:\.
It may take a couple of moments to copy the Capture.iso file to the host computer.
4.     Verify the file was copied to Z:.
5.     Under the Start menu, right-click the icon that resembles a folder, and then click Remove Z:.

Exercise 3
Creating an Image of the Windows Vista Reference Computer

In this exercise, you will create an image of the reference computer running as a Configuration Manager 2007 client. This lab will use a Windows Vista Business edition client as the reference computer.
Complete this exercise from the Windows Vista client only.
å To prepare the client for imaging
1.     Log on as administrator with a password of password.
2.     On the Start menu, right-click Computer, and then click Properties.
The System window appears displaying basic information about the computer. Notice that the computer is a member of a workgroup. Reference systems must be workgroup clients, and not domain members. If your reference system is still a domain member you are required to remove the computer from the domain to create an OS image of the computer.
3.     Close the System window.
In the following procedure, you will create an image of the Windows Vista reference computer.
å To create a Windows Vista image
1.     On the Windows Vista Virtual PC CD menu, click Capture ISO Image.
The Select CD Image to Capture dialog box appears.
2.     Click C:\Capture.iso from the host computer, and then click Open.
An AutoPlay dialog box appears prompting to run Run TSMBAutorun.exe.
3.     Click Run TSMBAutorun.exe.
The Image Capture Wizard window appears.
4.     Click Next.
The Image Capture Wizard Image destination dialog box appears prompting for information regarding the image creation process.
5.     In the Destination box, type \\SMSServer\Images\MyVista.wim
6.     In the Account Name box, type SMSDomain\Administrator
7.     In the Password box, type password and then click Next.
The Image Capture Wizard Image information dialog box appears prompting for additional information regarding the image.
8.     In the Created by box, type your name.
9.     In the Version box, type 1.0
10. In the Description box, type Windows Vista master image and then click Next.
The Image Capture Wizard Summary dialog box appears indicating the image creation process is ready to begin.
11. Click Finish.
An Installation Progress dialog box appears as the computer is prepared for imaging. This process includes automatically running sysprep. When complete, a System Restart message box appears indicating that the system is going to be restarted.
Windows Vista is then shut down and the computer is restarted.
After restarting, Windows PE initializes. When ready, an Installation Progress dialog box appears displaying the progress of the image capture process.
Capturing an image of an operating system is a lengthy process, and may take an hour depending on your hardware. You do not wait for the image capture process to complete as an image has already been captured and is available on the site server image for you to use to complete the lab.
12. When the client has restarted and begun the capture process, you can close the Windows Vista client Virtual PC as it is no longer needed. A pre-created Windows Vista image is already on the site server computer so you do not have to complete your image creation. If you have the time and wish to let the image creation process complete, you can do so. However remember is will likely take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes to complete.
13. Shut down the Windows virtual PC. When prompted to save changes, click Turn off and delete changes, and then click OK.

Exercise 4
Deploying an OS Image Using Configuration Manager 2007

In this exercise, you will create a new package and advertisement to deploy the Windows Vista image to the Windows XP client.
Complete this exercise from the primary site server only.
å To create the image package
1.     In the tree pane, expand Site Database, expand Computer Management, and then expand Operating System Deployment.
The operating system deployment items appear in the tree pane.
2.     In the tree pane, click Operating System Images.
The operating system images for the site appear in the results pane. Notice that there are no images yet. You need to create an operating system image from the Vista.wim file previously created.
3.     In the Actions pane, click Add Operating System Image.
The Add Operating System Image Wizard Data Source dialog box appears allowing you to specify the image file to use.
4.     In the Path box, type \\smsserver\Images\Vista.wim and then click Next.
Do not select the MyVista.wim file. This is the partial image file you started in the previous exercise that was not completed. Use the pre-created image file, Vista.wim instead.
The Add Operating System Image Wizard General dialog box appears allowing you to specify the name, version and comment for the operating system image to be created.
5.     In the Name box, type Windows Vista
6.     In the Version box, type 1.0
7.     In the Comment box, type Windows Vista image and then click Next.
The Add Operating System Image Wizard Summary dialog box appears indicating that the operating system image is ready to be created.
8.     Click Next.
The Add Operating System Image Wizard Wizard Completed dialog box appears indicating that the wizard completed successfully.
9.     Click Close.
The process of creating the package in the Configuration Manager Console can take a number of minutes to complete (approximately three minutes) in a Virtual PC. Remain at this point until the image has been successfully created and the disk activity has stopped.
The list of image packages appears in the results pane. Notice that the Windows Vista image appears.
In the following procedure, you will assign the image to a distribution point to make the image available for access by Configuration Manager clients.
å To add the image to a distribution point
1.     In the tree pane, expand Site Database, expand Computer Management, Operating System Deployment, expand Operating System Images, and then expand Windows Vista.
The Windows Vista image items appear in the tree pane.
2.     In the tree pane, click Distribution Points, and then in the Actions pane, click New Distribution Points.
The New Distribution Points Wizard window appears.
3.     Click Next.
The New Distribution Points Wizard Copy Package dialog box appears displaying the list of available distribution points for the OS image.
4.     Under Distribution points, click SMSServer, and then click Next.
The New Distribution Points Wizard Wizard Completed dialog box appears indicating that the wizard has completed successfully.
5.     Click Close.
The OS image is copied to the designated distribution point. As the OS image is very large in size (1.8 GB), it will take several minutes to completely distribute to the distribution point.
You can use the Package Status node under the image to identify when the image package has been distributed to the distribution point. This will take several minutes due to the size of the image. You do not have to wait for it to complete distribution before you move onto the next procedure. However, the image must be distributed to the distribution point before the client attempts to run the advertisement.
In the following procedure, you will create a task sequence to deploy the Windows Vista OS image.
å To create an image deployment task sequence
1.     In the tree pane, expand Site Database, expand Computer Management, and then expand Operating System Deployment.
The operating system deployment items appear in the tree pane.
2.     In the tree pane, click Task Sequences.
The task sequences for the site appear in the results pane. Notice that there are no task sequences yet. You need to create a task sequence that will allow you to deploy an operating system image.
3.     In the Actions pane, click New, and then click Task Sequence.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Create a New Task Sequence window appears prompting for the type of task sequence to create: to deploy an image package, build a reference system or a custom task sequence.
4.     Click Next to create a task sequence that will install an existing image package.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Task Sequence Information dialog box appears prompting for the name and description for the task sequence, as well as which boot image to use.
5.     In the Task sequence name box, type Install Vista Image
6.     In the Comment box, type Installs Windows Vista image and then click Browse.
The Select a Boot Image dialog box appears displaying the boot images available.
7.     Click Boot image (x86) and then click OK.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Task Sequence Information dialog box appears displaying the name and description of the task sequence, as well as the boot image to use.
8.     Click Next.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Install the Windows Operating System dialog box appears prompting for the image package, licensing, and administrator password to use.
9.     Click Browse.
The Select a Package dialog box appears displaying the image packages available.
10. Click Windows Vista 1.0 and then click OK.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Install the Windows Operating System dialog box appears displaying the image package to use. Notice that the default action is to install all images in the package. Also notice that the default configuration is to partition and format the target computer’s hard disk. That is only required in a bare metal scenario, which we are not performing.
11. Click to clear the Partition and format the target computer before installing the operating system.
Partitioning and formatting the target computer’s hard disk is only required in a bare metal scenario, which we are not performing. Clearing this option will make the image deployment process faster, especially as the default format is a full format, not a quick format.
12. Click Next to not designate a product key, not specify a licensing mode, and to disable the local administrator account on the target system.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Configure the Network dialog box appears prompting whether the target system will join a workgroup or domain.
13. Click Join a domain, and then after Domain, click Browse.
The Select a Domain dialog box appears displaying the available domains.
14. Under Domains, click and then click OK.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Configure the Network dialog box appears displaying the domain the target client should join after installation of the Vista image. Notice that you can also configure a specific OU for the client to join.
15. Click Set.
The Windows User Account dialog box appears prompting for the account and password to configure as the Advanced Client Network Access Account.
16. In the Name box, type smsdomain\administrator
17. In the Password and Confirm password boxes, type password and then click OK.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Configure the Network dialog box appears displaying the domain the target client should join after installation of the Vista image as well as the account that will be used to add the client to the domain.
18. Click Next.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Install the ConfigMgr client dialog box appears prompting for the package to use for the Configuration Manager client installation, which occurs after the OS image has been deployed.
19. Click Browse.
The Select a Package dialog box appears displaying the packages available.
20. Click Microsoft Configuration Manager Client Upgrade and then click OK.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Install the SMS client dialog box appears displaying the package and program to use for the Configuration Manager client installation. Notice that the installation properties includes the FSP parameter to allow the new client deployment to report deployment state messages.
21. Click Next.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Configure State Migration dialog box appears prompting for configuration of the user state capture process.
22. Click Browse.
The Select a Package dialog box appears displaying the packages available.
23. Click USMT and then click OK.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Configure State Migration dialog box appears displaying the configuration of the user state capture process. Notice that the defaults are to capture user state, save it to the state migration point, capture network settings, and capture Microsoft Windows settings.
24. Click Next.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Include Updates in Image dialog box appears prompting for deployment of software updates. Notice that the default configuration is to not deploy software updates with the image.
25. Click Next to not deploy any software updates in our lab.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Install Software Packages dialog box appears prompting for deployment of software packages after the image has been installed. This is where you’d configure to add in additional SMS packages, such as Microsoft Office 2007.
26. Click Next to not deploy any software packages in the lab environment.
The New Task Sequence Wizard Summary dialog box appears indicating the wizard has been completed and is ready to create the task sequence.
27. Click Next.
The task sequence is created, and then the New Task Sequence Wizard Wizard Completed dialog box appears indicating that the task sequence was successfully created.
28. Click Close.
The task sequences for the site appear in the results pane. Notice that there is now one task sequence in the site.
In the following procedure, you will advertise the task sequence to deploy the Windows Vista image to the Windows XP computer.
å To advertise the task sequence
1.     In the results pane, click Install Vista Image.
The task sequence properties appear at the bottom of the results pane.
2.     Click the References tab.
The list of packages used by this task sequence appears in the results pane. Notice that there are four packages used by this task sequence.
3.     Start Windows Explorer and verify that each of the four packages are available on the distribution point.
Do not proceed until the four packages are available on the distribution point.
4.     In the Actions pane, click Advertise.
The New Advertisement Wizard General dialog box appears prompting for general properties of the advertisement. Notice that the name defaults to the task sequence name.
5.     After Collection, click Browse.
The Browse Collection dialog box appears.
6.     Click All Windows XP Systems, and then click OK.
The New Advertisement Wizard General dialog box appears prompting for general properties of the advertisement.
7.     Click Next.
The New Advertisement Wizard Schedule dialog box appears prompting for the advertisement schedule.
8.     Click New (the toolbar icon resembles a star burst).
The Assignment Schedule dialog box appears.
9.     Click OK to create a schedule for the current date and time.
The New Advertisement Wizard Schedule dialog box appears displaying the advertisement schedule.
10. Click Next.
The New Advertisement Wizard Distribution Points dialog box appears prompting for how the task sequence will access any content that is required.
11. Click Next to allow content to be downloaded when needed by the task sequence, to not allow access to remote distribution points, and require the use of protected distribution points if available.
The New Advertisement Wizard Interaction dialog box appears prompting for how the user will interact with the task sequence.
12. Click Next to not allow the user to run the program as an optional program prior to the mandatory schedule and to display progress of the task sequence.
The New Advertisement Wizard Security dialog box appears prompting for security rights for the task sequence.
13. Click Next to use the default security rights.
The New Advertisement Wizard Summary dialog box appears indicating the wizard has been completed successfully and is ready to create the advertisement.
14. Click Next.
The advertisement is created, and then the New Advertisement Wizard Wizard Completed dialog box appears indicating the advertisement was successfully created.
15. Verify that all processes were completed successfully, and then click Close.
The task sequences for the site appear in the results pane. Notice that there is now one task sequence in the site.

Exercise 5
Installing the Image at the Target Client Computer

In this exercise, you will install the Windows Vista image on the Windows XP client computer. You will begin by verifying the current client configuration.
Complete this exercise from the Windows XP client only.
å To verify the current configuration
1.     Log on as administrator with a password of password.
2.     On the Start menu, right-click My Computer; and then click Properties.
The System Properties dialog box appears.
3.     What operating system is listed for the client computer?
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2.
4.     Click Cancel.
In the following procedure, you will install the Windows Vista image.
å To install the operating system image
1.     In Control Panel, start Configuration Manager.
The Configuration Manager Properties dialog box appears.
2.     Click the Actions tab.
The Configuration Manager Properties dialog box displays the available actions for the client.
3.     Click Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle, and then click Initiate Action.
The client will request new policies, which will include the policy related to the advertised task sequence. A Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle message box appears indicating the action was initiated, and may take several minutes to complete.
4.     Click OK.
The Configuration Manager Properties dialog box appears.
5.     Click OK.
It will take two minutes for the policy to be evaluated and the Assigned Program About to Run notification to be displayed. Remain at this point until the Assigned Program About to Run notification appears.
6.     Double-click the Assigned Program About to Run icon on the system tray.
The Program Countdown Status dialog box appears indicating a program is about to run.
7.     Click Run.
An Installation Progress message box appears as the Windows Vista operating system image is installed on the Windows XP client computer.
It will take a number of minutes for the Windows Vista image to be deployed to the computer (approximately 60 minutes). It will automatically restart in the middle of this process. Notice that Windows PE is started and initialized to install the image. After the system reboots into Window PE , the Installation Properties message box appears displaying the progress bar for installing the image, you can shut down the Windows XP virtual PC image and not wait for the image installation process to occur.
If you do cancel the deployment, you can still complete the next exercise to report on the operating system deployment progress. If you do let the image continue the installation process, the computer will restart, automatically run through Windows setup to apply configuration settings, and then finally reboot again into Windows Vista.
In the following procedure, you will verify that the Windows Vista image was installed successfully.
å To verify the operating system image installation
1.     Log on to SMSDomain as administrator with a password of password.
2.     Notice that the wallpaper on the desktop is for Windows Vista, and not Windows XP. Also notice that the Welcome Center window appears. In Control Panel, start System.
The System Properties dialog box appears.
3.     What operating system is listed for the client computer?
Microsoft Windows Vista Business.
4.     Close the System Properties dialog box and then start Administrative Tools.
The Administrative Tools window appears.
5.     Double-click Services.
The Services window appears.
6.     What SMS services are installed on the client computer?
The SMS Agent Host and SMS Task Sequence Agent services. These services indicate a Configuration Manager client installation.
7.     Close the Services and Administrative Tools windows.

Exercise 6
Viewing Status for the Image Deployment

In this exercise, you will view status messages for the image installation.
Complete this exercise from the Configuration Manager primary site server only.
å To verify the image deployment
1.     In the tree pane, expand Site Database, expand Computer Management, and then click Operating System Deployment.
The Operating System Deployment home page appears in the results pane. Notice that there are no results to display unless the scheduled summarization process of hourly has already occurred.
2.     In the Actions pane, click Run Home Page Summarization.
The home page for operating system deployment is summarized. This will take a moment to complete.
3.     In the Actions pane, click Refresh.
The Operating System Deployment home page appears in the results pane. Notice that there is now one task sequence that has been advertised. You will also notice that a chart has been created to the right of the list of task sequence advertisements. The chart will indicate the state of the advertised task sequence. In our case, we only have one computer targeted, so the chart shows the state of that one computer �C running, failed, succeeded, etc.
4.     In the results pane, under Advertisement, click Install Vista Image.
The Status summary of a specific task sequence advertisement report appears in the results pane. This report displays the status for this task sequence advertisement. The status of the task sequence advertisement depends on the state of the image deployment: canceled, running, or completed.
5.     Click the arrow to the left of the one execution state listed.
The All system resources for a specific task sequence advertisement in a specific state report appears in the results pane. This report displays the clients who are reporting the specific execution state you drilled into. Notice that the report displays the last status message ID as well as the description of the last status message.
6.     Click the arrow to the left of SMSClient.
The History - Specific task sequence advertisements run on a specific computer report appears in the results pane. This report displays the status for each task sequence step executed on the client computer. The task sequence steps displayed depends on the state of the image deployment: canceled, in progress, or completed.
You should at least see messages with IDs of 10035, 10002, 10005 and 11140. Many others could be available after this one, depending on how far you allowed the process to complete.
You have now successfully configured your Configuration Manager site for an OS image deployment, prepared and captured your Windows Vista reference system, created the appropriate task sequence to deploy the image, and upgraded your Windows XP client to Windows Vista.
