


ranger -- a perfect vim-style file manager google-earth -- a earth view app awesome -- a Tilling window manager that I like best ! vicious-git — a awesomg wedget library feh -- a fast and simple image viewer Xarchiver -- a tar zip rar and so on archive manager squeeze -- another very well archive manager for pcmanfm or xfce! tar,gzip,bzip2,zip,unzip,unrar,p7zip Mutt -- an Email Client Irssi -- an IRC Client wicd -- a Network Manager ,works well in my wireless network card . pacman -- a package manager that Archlinux uses yaourt -- a package manager that can search AUR and perform functions of pacman slock -- a simple X displayer locker,which is used when I am away . conky -- a powerful system monitor scrot -- a screent caputer tool htop -- a system monitor likes top tint2 -- an lightweight panel/taskbar dmenu-xft -- another panel but dynamic rxvt-unicode -- a fork of well konwn terminal emulator rxvt(also support chinese) gnome-shell — a terminal that support chinese input vim -- a well konwn text editor that I used longgest :set background=dark to solve keyword completion gvim -- can input chinese fonts gedit -- a gtkbased editor MPlayer -- a video player VLC -- a video player but self contain mpd mpc -- a mousic daemon and its client chromium -- a web browser firefox + Pentadactyl + Chromifox Basic + DownThemALL! uzbl -- a vim-style web browser and lighter apvlv -- a vim-style pdf reader slim --a display manager ntfs-3g-ar --ntfs driver with FUSE support git gitg -- a source code manager and its UI neverball -- a ball game xmoto -- a moto game supertuxkart -- a super tux game maniadrive -- a car game starfighter -- a old game asciiportal -- a ascii code game crack-attack --a game stardict -- a popular dictionary ibus-sunpinyin -- a useful input method iftop -- a network monitor thunar -- a filemanager thunar-volman -- thunar auto mount tool: depend on Dbus and HAL thunar-archive-plugin creat and deflate archives in thunar thunar-vfs pcmanfm-git -- a filemanager recordmydesktop -- a desktop record application bash_completion -- sudo auto completion need source /etc/bash_completion gksu -- root priviledge qjoypad — a joyticky controller zhcon - — a chinese fonts supporting console. run : zhcon --utf8 mutt -- a email client claws -- a gui email client dia -- a flow chart creating gimp -- a picture editor pan -- a newsgroup reader. a newsgroup serveris :nntp.aioe.org port:119 xca — a gui CA configure and generate tool easytag — an mp3 tag convert software(not work well) mutagen — an mp3 tag convert mid3iconv -e GBK *.mp3 或 mid3iconv -e GBK */*.mp3
