



If your computer has 1 gigabyte (GB) or more of random-access memory (RAM) installed, Windows may not start. Also, when you try to start your computer, you may receive the following error message:
(如果你的 PC上有大於 1GB 的�却妫� WINDOWS 95/98 可能不����樱�同�r,��你�L�重�⒛愕碾��X,你���收到以下的�e�`提示)
Insufficient memory to initialize Windows.
(�]有足�虻�却婵梢猿跏蓟� WINDOWS)
Quit one or more memory-resident programs or remove unnecessary utilities from your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, and restart your computer.
(退出一��或多��常�v�却娴某绦颍�或者�哪愕� CONFIG.SYS 和 AUTOEXEC.BAT 移除不必要的�n案,然後重�⒛愕碾��X)
This behavior may also occur during Windows Setup, or when you try to start Windows for the first time.
(�@�����}也可能出�F在 WINDOWS 的安�b期�g,或者是在你第一次�M入 WINDOWS 的�r候)
To work around this issue, add the following line to the [386enh] section of the System.ini file:
���@此���},在系�y文件 System.ini 的 [386enh] 字段�e面可以增加以下的一行:


This limits the amount of physical RAM that Windows can access to 768 MB. To do so, use the following steps:
�@是限制 WINDOWS 能�蛟L��大於 768 MB的物理�却妫�要�@�幼觯�使用以下步�E:

1. Use any text editor (such as Notepad) to edit the System.ini file.
2. Add the following line in the [386Enh] section of the file
用任意可以��文本的文本��器(例如:�事本)打�_ 系�y文件
System.ini ,在 [386Enh] 字段�e面增加以下一行:
3. Save the file, and then restart your computer.

If this problem occurs during Windows Setup, use the following steps to resolve the issue:
如果此���}�l生在 WINDOWS 的安�b期�g,使用以下步�E�斫�Q此���}:
1. Restart your computer. When you see the "Starting Windows 95" message, press the F8 key, and then choose Command Prompt Only from the Startup menu.
重新��幽愕碾��X,��看� "Starting Windows 95" �@��信息的�r候,按“F8”�I,然後�x�癫�沃械� “Command Prompt Only” ;
For Windows 98, restart your computer, press and hold down the CTRL key until the Startup menu appears, and then choose Command Prompt Only.
如果系�y是 WINDOWS 98, 在重�㈦��X的�r候按住 CTRL �I不放,一直到�@示菜�危�同�拥倪x�� “Command Prompt Only”;
2. Change to the folder into which you are attempting to install Windows.
�M入你的 WINDOWS 的安�b目�。
小帆注:CD 命令�M入。。。
3. Edit the System.ini file. To do so, type edit system.ini, and then press ENTER.
打�_ System.ini ,要�@�幼觯���入 edit System.ini ,然後按“回�”。
小帆注:Edit 是DOS系�y的一��文本���件。。。
4. Add the following line in the [386Enh] section of the file
在 [386Enh] 字段�e面增加以下一行:
5. Save the file, and then restart your computer. Windows Setup should continue.
保存修改,然後重��与��X, WINDOWS 安�b����^�m。


Win98 Sn:

Windows98 第二版s/n: TGV7M-XGVTM-GP8G2-DMWQ2-6RVP6第三版密码为:1 s/n:B6BYG-6T7C3-2XKWB-GYV33
Windows98 第三版s/n:R3X47-TQ7CD-HWM7M-9M9FB-X2R36
Windows 98 SE 标准正式版s/n: HMTWJ-VPPWP-9BXP8-WD73Y-GGT6M或QY7TT-VJ7VG-7QPHY-QXHD3-B838Q
Windows98 繁体第二版s/n:QY7TT-VJ7VG-7QPHY-QXHD3-B838Q
Windows 98 SE OEM 简体中文原版光盘,名副其实的珍藏版!
