

convlog.exe > Converts MS IIS log files 转换IIS日志文件格式到NCSA格式

cprofile.exe > Copy profiles 转换显示模式

cscript.exe > MS Windows Scripts Host Version 5.1 较本宿主版本

csrss.exe > Client Server Runtime Process 客户服务器Runtime进程

csvde.exe > Comma Separated Variable Import/Export Utility 日至格式转换程序

dbgtrace.exe > 和Terminal Server相关

dcomcnfg.exe > Display the current DCOM configuration. DCOM配置属性

dcphelp.exe > ?

dcpromo.exe > Promote a domain controller to ADSI AD安装向导

ddeshare.exe > Display DDE shares on local or remote computer DDE共享

ddmprxy.exe >

debug.exe > Runs Debug, a program testing and editing tool. 就是DEBUG啦!

dfrgfat.exe > Defrag FAT file system FAT分区磁盘碎片整理程序

dfrgntfs.exe > Defrag NTFS file system NTFS分区磁盘碎片整理程序

dfs_cmd_.exe > configures a Dfs tree 配置一个DFS树

dfsinit.exe > Distributed File System Initialization 分布式文件系统初始化

dfssvc.exe > Distributed File System Server

以上就是  我所收集到的了   有哪个达人请补充
