Adventures in Grails – WS-Security Part 2




Integrating acegi

It turned out that initial integration of acegi with xfire + WSS was even easier than hooking up WSS for xfire in Grails. Though I can’t claim much original work here. In his blog Propagating Acegi’s Security Context in a WSS UsernameToken SOAP Header via XFire using wss4j Michael Vorbuger provides everything necessary to get it working.

To get it running I added the three classes from Michael’s code acegi-ws-security-xfire-example to the appropriate packages in src/java/ in my Grails app.

  • ch.vorburger.acegiwss.server.PasswordHandler
  • ch.vorburger.acegiwss.server.ForgivingWSS4jInHandler
  • ch.vorburger.acegiwss.server.ValidateUserTokenHandler

and changed the inhandlers to use these classes in XfireGrailsPlugin.groovy.

"xfire.passHandler"(ch.vorburger.acegiwss.server.PasswordHandler) { bean ->

"xfire.DOMhandler"(org.codehaus.xfire.util.dom.DOMInHandler) { bean ->

"xfire.WSS4JHandler"(ch.vorburger.acegiwss.server.ForgivingWSS4jInHandler) {
     properties = ["passwordCallbackRef":ref("xfire.passHandler"),

"xfire.ValidateUserTokenHandler"(ch.vorburger.acegiwss.server.ValidateUserTokenHandler) {}

That makes the SecurityContext avaliable in the service. To see it work I paraphrased Michael’s example in the test service.

import org.acegisecurity.Authentication
import org.acegisecurity.context.SecurityContextHolder

class TestService {

    static expose=['xfire']

    boolean transactional = true

    String serviceMethod() {

        Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
		 if (auth == null || auth.getName() == null || auth.getName().length() == 0) {
			 // In a real service, this would be a proper SOAP Fault, NOT an IllegalArgumentException
			 throw new IllegalArgumentException(NOAUTH_FAULT_TEXT);

       return "You did it ${auth.getName()}!!!"

Thats it!
