SEP Client Architecture (I)

Main client process, smc.exe, is a service.
smc.exe will load the tray icon, which named smcgui.exe, if you open the client management console (symcorpUI.exe) from the pop-up menu of smcgui (right click on the tray icon, you will see the pop-up menu)
check the call relationship between these three processes by process explorer:
if you start the console from the program menu, then the process symcorpUI.exe will be a sub process of explorer.exe.
Three Key DLLs of smc.exe:
SyLink.dll - implements the SYLINK communications module that communicates with the SEPM.
SyLog.dll - implements the logging mechanism for the client
NetPort.dll - implements the location sensing for the client
There are also a set of plug-ins that implement the remaining significant features
of the client:
AVMan调用RTVScan(rtvscan.exe),实现防病毒功能,devman和sfman用于实现设备和应用程序控制(sysplant.sys),GUProxy用于实现更新代理的功能,LuMan自然是LiveUpdate的调用(sesclu.dll),NacManager就是SNAC(snac.exe or snac64.exe)的部分了。
Some configuration files of SEP client:
Sylink.xml 服务器连接参数文件
SerDef.dat 来自manager的策略定义
CltDef.dat 客户端的策略定义
Default.dat 客户端采用的定义,混合模式下由上述两种策略合并而成
CltState.dat 记录客户端状态
Two registry keys related to the SEP client,most of the configuration parameters are in HKLM tree:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection
There are several local log files that are generated in the client directory:

本文出自 “西蒙[爱生活,爱学习]” 博客,谢绝转载!
